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Thursday, July 09, 2020

BLM leader proposes 5-year plan to totally eliminate police

'Complete abolition' along with scrapping of military bases abroad

Echoing the "five-year plan" model of the Cold War era, the Philadelphia arm of the Black Lives Matter movement is calling for the "complete abolition" of the police department in five years along with the elimination of military bases abroad.

BLM Philadelphia representative and activist YahNé Ndgo discussed her fi e-year plan in an interview with Fox News.

"One of the things that we are demanding over five years is the complete abolition. We don't want to see any police in our community," she said Tuesday.

"Over the course of those five years, it gives time for the community to begin to build what is needed. We aren't looking to leave any kind of vacancy around the issue of safety."



  1. Who exactly are you again? Not gonna happen! Send all the police to my neighborhood...It's your kind that I don't wanna see walking around...LOSER

  2. Good, now I can speed and pretty much do what I want. It’s going to be a good time but why 5 years? Biden already said police are the Public’s enemy he will probably do it his first year in office.

  3. Should also include all private security and armed security for all Politians, since they don't want me to protect me and my Family then they should not be immune.


  4. 5 years - HAHAHAHAHAHHA

    The "Script" says within 12 months there will be another world/national crisis so 5 year plan, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

  5. I propose a 3 month plan for the BLM and Antifa. Declare their leaders to be terrorists. Arrest them,strip them of their citizenship and put them into Gitmo.

  6. The only way this is achieved, even in science fiction, is by somehow collectively reaching a state of grace, drugging the populace 24/7 or plugging them all into the Matrix.

  7. I say let the communities that don,t want the police then fine. But then I don't want them complaining when crime goes out the roof and they need them. and it will.

  8. Won't be long before they get the undivided attention of the good citizens of this country. They'll be crying for the PO Leese when that happens

  9. Madder than a box of frogs. So the CHOP in Seattle, is that a good example of no police? 2 Murders, several shootings, rape and robbery. Sorry but fuck that.

  10. So the Seattle CHOP was that an example of No Police? Let's see, there were TWO MURDERS, several shootings, rapes, and robbery. Sorry, but to hell with that.

  11. Who are you Karen's and Kevin's gonna call the next time a black person drives through the neighborhood???

  12. Northwest Woodsman: Eliminating police would create a perfect environment for negros to commit crimes to their hearts content without the inconvenience of being arrested and being processed through the corrupt justice system. Then let’s see just how far we can descend into total anarchy.


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