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Friday, July 17, 2020

As States Across the Nation Experience Spiking Numbers, Maryland’s Key COVID-19 Health Metrics Continue to Decline

Seven-Day Positivity Rate Drops Again to 4.43%, Daily Positivity Down to 3.43%Maryland Has Conducted Nearly 900,000 Tests, Including Record 24,171 Over Last 24 Hours16 Jurisdictions Have Reached 10% Testing Goal, More Than 220 Testing Sites Available Statewide
ANNAPOLIS, MDGovernor Larry Hogan today announced that, unlike many states across the nation, Maryland’s key COVID-19 health metrics continue to decline or plateau. The statewide seven-day positivity rate dropped to 4.43% and the daily positivity rate dropped to 3.43%. Maryland has now conducted nearly 900,000 COVID-19 tests, including a record 24,171 over the last 24 hours. 
Nearly 900,000 COVID-19 Tests, 11.7% of Population Tested. In total, Maryland has now conducted 896,990 COVID-19 tests, including a record 24,171 tests over the last 24 hours. 708,216 Marylanders have now been tested for COVID-19—representing 11.7% of the state’s population.
Positivity Rate Drops to 4.43%. The state’s seven-day average positivity rate has dropped to 4.43%—down nearly 84% from its peak on April 17—and the daily positivity rate is 3.43%.
Total Current Hospitalizations Are 434. There are 434 current total COVID-19 hospitalizations, with 128 ICU beds in use.16 of 24 Jurisdictions Have Met 10% Testing Goal. 16 of Maryland’s 24 jurisdictions have now met the state’s goal of testing 10% of their populations. Positivity Rate Higher For Marylanders Under 35. In keeping with trends states are seeing across the country, the positivity rate among Marylanders under 35 (6.45%) is 85.3% higher than the positivity rate for Marylanders age 35 and older (3.48%).220+ COVID Testing Sites Statewide. To further increase convenience and accessibility at COVID-19 testing sites, the Maryland Department of Health and local partners are providing patients with the ability to schedule their own appointments online at more sites. For more information about testing sites in Maryland, visit covidtest.maryland.gov.


  1. Until Larry gets a call from Nancy then round 2 will start.

  2. Larry will not open schools he will pull the plug soon enough. He is in full anti President mode and completely supports Joe “ Trojan Horse” Biden.

    1. You folks really are this delirious huh? Lol

    2. And we need to respect him for clinging to his own party. This cat is a damorat registered as a republican. Wish republicans would stick together.

  3. States across the nation are showing spikes in positive results not deaths and hospitalizations. Hospitals are filling up because so many people are now catching up with procedures that they have put off. Positive results are spiking because we have increased the rate of testing and because people that have been quarantined for months are now interacting and are being exposed. It does not mean they are dying. Covid is now being used as a political weapon and we are the sheep. Once again facts are silly things. Shut up and wear your mask.

  4. Nothing but a numbers scam.

  5. Ocean City will take care of this decline by continuing to ignore health and safety guidelines. By August 14 Maryland will be rolling back. Thanks OC businesses and leadership!

  6. Cases do not mean sickness.

  7. Just like someone died in car accident. They listed that on the covid 19 list. Keep drinking the Kool aid.


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