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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Yet Another Ocean City Maryland Fight Video


  1. Look at all the animals video taping. It's not going to stop until a victim pulls a gun. It's going to happen.

    1. Not soon enough and not often enough

  2. LOOK at at the phones lit up filming it. It's Primal about to go Viral.

  3. Is that a dude beating a girl?

  4. I dare them.. I carry. It will only take one shot to scatter them

    1. Not scatter, splatter

    2. Hey, if you carry, it must be illegally, cuz, I carry concealed "legally" and ANYBODY that's taken the carry classes, KNOWS that they DRILL into our heads the responsibility we have IF we ever eliminate a target that isn't directly threatening us! Be careful, but IF they are directly threatening, make sure ya don't miss!

    3. Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. Maryland does not want you safe or they would change some of the c,c.l requirements. Maryland does not care about your safety. It's just about the money

  5. "Look at all the animals video taping. It's not going to stop until a victim pulls a gun. It's going to happen."

    THAT iS what got the attention of the rioters in 1968. It worked then, it will work again. Accept it....

  6. Social media is the scourge of modern society and stokes these flames. I believe we are devolving as a species. I'm saddened by these events.

  7. How boutcha Rickie????

  8. Time to put them Down.

  9. Ya know, since you can get away with anything...i think I will hit the banks tonight. All of them

  10. I see how much the protesting has changed things. Silly liberals sucking up for votes changes nothing.

  11. Question. All the closed circuit cams on the boardwalk that money was spent on.......we gonna see those videos?


  12. 5:36
    What is wrong with you?
    This behavior is learned and encouraged in the black American culture.
    This is Baltimore visiting Ocean City.

    They shoot each other all the time.
    I don't think they will scatter after 1 shot.
    They are not afraid of violence.

    1. I agree that they were probably not from the shore. This is sad and uncalled for. But what do you mean it was encouraged in the Black American culture. False accusations. Be careful. There's Caucasian thugs and gangsters were they taught at home. Of course it where the violence, hatred and racism started. So you can't just say it's the blacks. Sorry to enlighten you

    2. Wait- rugby is a savage sport? Who knew? I played for a decade and those little ok arties after the a side matches were tame compared to this

  13. Air show and 4th of July weekends are more important and a few fights

    Oh $hit there's video that the world could see??? How did we not know this?? (Mindset at City Hall)

    (snicker snicker)

  14. what did that one marine corps general say about all the troubles over in the middle east when asked how to stop it! his reply... when enough of them get killed it'll stop!
    that's the only thing that's gonna stop these animals when they know they will pay with their worthless lives! shame it has to come to that. but if society , their families and the police wont stop it someone eventually will!
    Shame on these evil possessed democrats! your reap what you sow!

  15. It used to be a family resort. Not so much anymore. Defund the police? Right.

    1. just as well, where was they At? this definitely should have garner attention

    2. No it didn't and never has been. It's a fishing village that grew into a drinking hangout that grew into hell. Aaalll disguised to get baltimore and surrounding cities money.

  16. That's what happens when there are NO cops !!! Don't try to take
    their $$ away or Abolish them !!! You Dummies who call for it !!!

    OC needs to Crack down on these types & nip it in the bud !!!

  17. Uh, yeah, cops are the problem...

  18. OC has three cops on every block when you don't need them and crickets when you do.

  19. No police response? Probably too busy with those lucrative traffic and DUI/DWI stops. Town makes money, state makes money, lawyers make money, insurance companies make money, and last but not least, officers take the fast lane to a promotion. No need for honestly and integrity either. They need the money! No money in thugs from Baltimore.

  20. Baltimore thugs in O.C...not good folks.

    1. I agree. they were not local. you have a influx of out of town people infiltating out local areas of leisure

  21. Why is this acceptable? What are we teaching our youth? My heart breaks how do we even begin to fix this? This is way beyond a school yard fight.

  22. I would absolutely advise everyone to stay away from Thugville (Ocean City, MD).

  23. 6:16....your right.

    But, do you see all of the available targets??

    Empty the magazine or cylinder.

    The police are being TOLD not to stop this stuff, so people can see what a world without cops would be like. Your "leaders" and their enforcers willingly sacrifice your life to make a point with the public.
    Keep voting. It is SURE to change things.
    Carry a gun. Jury nullification.
    Or be a victim.

    YOUR SAFETY?? It means ZERO to the police and even worse, means zero to the politicians.

    You want to take your wife and children to Ocean City now??

    You would have to be in the IQ range of a baboon to even consider it.

    Baboons? Sorry, Freudian slip.

  24. 6:16
    Add in Philly and NJ. The person videoing this is from NJ.

  25. Kick their asses out of OC !!!!

  26. They getting 1000 wk (or more) on unemployment. They have food stamps, free housing, free insurance (no conpay) and free electric. Those of us paying major taxes are in bed by 9pm trying to recover from paying all the taxes while they run amuck? A hot mess. All of it.

  27. A clear example how evolution can go wrong. If left alone, it works. THe fittest survive and flourish. But, when provided outside assistance (see Democratic theory), it screws everything up. THe social welfare state has allowed this to continue, and it will continue until it starts to affect these liberal elites where THEY live.
    These animals are not afraid of anything, and as the last 2 weeks have shown, there are no reprocusions for thier actions.

    1. Defined the state of federal money, problem solved

  28. Sad very very sad.

    Keep your eyes closed City Hall and it will go away.

    THAT mentality no longer works RICKIE!

    The nation sees you - as well as vacationers!

  29. Ocean City was fine until they showed up, Racist or not the Facts are the Facts.

  30. 846 - huh?

    Stupidity is all shapes, sizes and colors.

    Unfortunately the TV ratings love showing fights with African Americans. We never see video of races/nationalities fighting on the boards because it doesn't garner ratings. Just a small write up in the local papers.

    Thats how we roll these days....actually the last 30+ years.

  31. 9:15

    Unfortunately if you believe this your head must be wedged up your a$$. This is not all races, facts are facts. Nothing will be done about it, officials are afraid to speak up for fear of being called racist, and most of the younger black community condones and encourages this.

    I spent plenty of time in Ocean City in my days, with all the drinking/bar scene I saw plenty of fights between adults. What you didn't see was defenseless kids getting stomped out and robbed by a mob. Ocean City isn't safe after dark, do so at your own risk.

    1. Im sorry but your wrong. Im from here,stay in oc every summer working as a kid in the 90s and been involved or witnessed this exact same thung,black on white and white on black several times. It's not new. Just out in the open now

  32. High desert dawg.....

    That's funny.

    The POLICE telling us to be careful when we carry.

    They shoot everything in sight.

    DOZENS of examples of it. On film.

    Two Sets of Laws. We'll shoot anyone and everything anytime we want. Our buddies will "investigate" and say it was fully justified. Now go back to work (and shooting).

    YOU shoot someone who merely "scares" you. Just like they do.
    YOU go to prison for that, mainly because you don't have a badge.
    EMPTY the clip on a man who has already been shot 15 times and is on the ground DEAD??
    Ok for them. No problem. They HAD to do that.

    YOU do that?? You'll be facing 25-life because you don't have a badge and will be judged harshly for putting another bullet into a dead man.

    Know about Jury Nullification and USE IT.

    And quit believing you need to BEG a stranger to carry a gun. Or submit to a 3 hour interview, give anyone names of people who can attest to your "eligibility", pay some BS "fee" (to use your rights.....lol) or give anyone your fingerprints and life story.
    The police DO NOT get to decide which of our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS they will "let" us or "allow" us to actually use.

    What next?? Permission from the Gestapo to go to church???

    Get off your knees.

    Or keep submitting to the people who think THEY get to tell you what rights you REALLY have....

    F them.

  33. Too bad there wasn't a video of the white jerk who beat his wife into a seizure in the boardwalk in front of his kids Last year who got time served Josh Cole. Or the white brawls that occur, Why the disparity and lack of outrage, racial comments and coverage when white opposed to black. Just as outraged, but hand that out on a even level. Try living by standards you set. This is wrong and I hope they are prosecuted.

  34. Have the same outrage when the car show s are in town and pedestrians are getting run down or are endangered by drag racers or exposing innocent children to the most sexual and graphic mess that I saw my birthday weekend in September.

  35. Nothing to see, move along. Let them eat their own.

  36. Wow, you pieces of garbage are real cowards, huh? Not one of you would make a pimple on a good mans azz. Try that crap one on one and get your azz devastated. Cowards.


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