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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Who Are America's Racial Equality Protestors?

Americans hit the streets in huge numbers over the past couple of weeks, calling for an end to systematic racism and radical police reform.

A new survey from the Pew Research Center outlines just who the protestors were. Statista's Niall McCarthy notes that Pew polled 9,654 U.S. adults, of which 6 percent said they attended a protest or rally related to race/racial equality over the past month, a sizeable share given that the U.S. is experiencing a deadly pandemic.



  1. 6% maybe and we should fundamentally change the country

  2. Where's the graph that measures I.Q. ?

    More likely to protest = low I.Q.

    Less likely to protest = High I.Q.

  3. What the Hell do they think they are owed?

  4. I think there's a pill for that

  5. Gotta love those polls. Wicomico County has about 100,000 people in it, with about 35,000 of those in Salisbury, some 65% over 18.
    For 6% of Salisbury residents over 18 to have participated in a protest gathering, over 1300 must have actively participated. For the county, the number would be closer to 3,900.

    The polls are done using people numbers that do not represent this city or this county, despite the feely-good ministrations of city government, kowtowing to Leftist idealogies and pressures.

    Wake up!!

  6. I.Q. for people that tend to protest XX


  7. wanna-be-s they just wish they could be black with out having to actually live in the ghetto

  8. Nothing worse than a white liberal.

  9. I love it! BLM has these middle aged white wanna be LOSERS carrying their water! I'm sure their parents are proud!

  10. Someone needs to stand outside these colleges with billboards protesting them
    as a scam and calling it out for what it is. Get these kids the facts BEFORE they sign up.

    These kids are being ripped off and come out pissed and with no jobs, no skills, and in debt. They are told to be angry at the system while the colleges sit back and count the federal money they rake in from the loans.

    The government is left on the hook for the money (taxpayers also) and the result is a bunch of stupid whiny kids who want everything for free. The Liberal a**-hole are laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. They are ALL Traitors !!! & they are Not Relevant !!!


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