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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

“Black Lives Matter is a Mandate – Pay Us What You Owe Us” – Top Democrat Demands Reparations (VIDEO)

This should come as no surprise.

Radical Democrat Ayanna Pressley took to the House floor last week and demanded the American people “pay us what you owe us.”

The Massachusetts Representative says Black Lives Matter has a mandate.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley: “Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time — pay us what you owe us. Our Black skin is not a crime. It is the beautiful robe of nation-builders.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley: “Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It’s time — pay us what you owe us. Our Black skin is not a crime. It is the beautiful robe of nation-builders.”pic.twitter.com/48avufRaif

— The Hill (@thehill) June 26, 2020



  1. Running your mouth while black, and don’t think for one moment that anyone fears you while black. This is suppose to be a representative (of what )? You can tell it is a black brain for sure. You are owed nothing, you’ve been paid in full by speaking on the floor of a public stage. If I had my way your black butt would be fired. Everyday I think I’ve heard or seen it all and almost ever time a dumb ass like you appears. You take the cake, look at yourself. Embarrassment is all I see.

    1. They don't have enough self respect to be embarrassed

  2. Sorry sweetheart, but you won’t get a Nickel from me. Stop looking for handouts and do something instead of expecting it to be given to you.

  3. How about noooooo!

  4. A few ounces of lead?

  5. Be careful what you ask for Ayanna.

    What we owe is to send you a massive 10 trillion dollar bill for all the programs trying to fix your dysfunction.

    You and your kind have been a scourge on this country for 250 years!

  6. Well considering there were no Statutes

  7. Why do all dim-a-crap women look like buttcrack ?

  8. What the Hell do they think they are owed?

    1. heck

      most are ripping us off with EBT cards, Welfare, Section 8, WIC programs, ect

  9. Bill is already paid. Don't owe em a dime

  10. The CEO of BET said he thinks the total would come to about 14 trillion dollars. Which would break out to be about 350,000 per black person.

    1. Sounds reasonable if it would shut them the hell up and they go on their merry way.

  11. if they keep killing each other we wont owe anybody anything

    1. Bullet replacement program would work great

  12. I'd rather commit mass genocide. You'll never see a cent from me, you can believe it. So lock and load and bring it or shut the F up crying wolf.

  13. If they can prove that THEY were slaves then we can talk. If not then you will not get a penny I hope. (map)

  14. Obama was going to, but sent the cash to Iran instead.

  15. You will never see a Dime.

  16. What about people who immigrated to America fromafrom Africa slavery. These people's families are not from slavery. Every black person in America does not have slave ancestors. Many many white people have black slave ancestors. Are they going to pay them too.
    I was raised welfare is to brainwash you to be a slave for democrats. I was also raised to believe democrats are fascist trash. Im 42. I thought welfare was reprirations. For all the trash of every race that was brought here to build.

  17. Typical of them they have no morals which means they have no shame. They are truly an overwhelmingly primal race. Civilized human beings aren't looking for freebies and handouts. Civilized people are offended by freebies and handouts. The problem is most blacks vote democrat and this means they are not real Christians no matter how much they lie about it. The other thing is if they are democrats that means they have not ever had a good and decent person in their lives ever and again no matter how much they lie about this too. Good moral people do not ever vote democrat

  18. She can jam her demands up her fat ass.

  19. BLM is a TERRORIST organization PERIOD !!! & should be Illegal !!!


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