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Monday, June 08, 2020

White Virginia cop is charged with assault after bodycam footage shows him repeatedly use a Taser on a black man while kneeling on his back as the victim pleads ‘I can’t breathe’ and police chief blasts the 'horrible use of force'

A white police officer in Virginia has been charged with assault after body camera footage showed him using 'unacceptable' force when using a stun gun on a disoriented black man who screamed 'I can't breathe'.

The Fairfax County Police Department on Saturday released footage of the June 5 incident, which showed Officer Tyler Timberlake using excessive force on a victim.

It is one of several recent allegations of police brutality after the death of George Floyd, an African-American man who died in police custody on May 25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Footage begins with an unidentified Fairfax police officer interacting with a man who appears to be disoriented and pacing along a residential street.



  1. Well thank goodness we have a new topic. For too long you turn the tv on and coronavirus was there. George ( not being the first and won’t be the last ) enters the media. Now everything on media starts with white or black. Screw it, I’ve taken breaks from it before and it’s now time to again. CU


  2. Saw this yesterday elsewhere. The guy is totally out of it wandering around and babbling. Bodycam captures it. EMT/fire crew at the ready to take him to detox. Number of cops at a distance. Finally decision is made to taze so he can be cared for. The taze is a flurry of action and he has to be restrained on the ground to be cuffed and have legs belted before put on stretcher. They do have to lean on him to get cuffs but only until.

    IIRC, the guy or someone in house called for the cops/ambulance. Honestly didn't see an alternative for the cops unless they plan to watch him walk & babble until he passed out or until drugs wore off. The guy w body cam was helpful and trying to assist in calm and non-threatening tone.

    Cops don't grow on trees. Training and on street learning is expensive and extensive, and most don't aspire to the job. Guess the answer is to summon mayor and council members to any dicey interaction to get their blessing before resolving the situation. Geesh!

  3. 1247 the problem is these cops receive training to defuse these situations. Simply feeling rushed and inpatient does not justify using force. The entire point is that cops should not be needlessly escalating situations.

    1. Police need stress relief too. They put up with your crap for a whole shift. Then when they let off steam you complain. Let them have a outlet. Thank you Mr. Policeman and woman. Keep up the good work and be safe.

    2. ??? Winner of Biigest Doofus Comment of the Day

  4. Knees on necks! Knees on necks!

  5. I am trying to stand up for cops BUT they are making it HARD.

  6. Hey 12:47 Why isn't that an option???? If he is just walking and babbling, why not have a cop just follow him around until it is ok to leave his sight??? Why does it always have to end with I am going to protect and serve the shit out of you because I want to, even though the SCOTUS said COPS DO NOT HAVE TO HELP YOU AND ARE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO!!!! So if they are not obligated to help, then these cops are making the choice to help when it is not needed... These cops are not doctors nor nurses nor psychiatrist so why do they get to decide that you need help???? COPS ARE BREAKING THE LAW when they go in and try to help someone when it is not needed... Just like cops can't be the complainant, and just like they can't solicit a complaint... I am sure you uneducated slaves will chime in with your nonsensical bullshit, so lets have it!!!

    1. Take your pills or have a couple of fingers to calm down.

    2. I’ll give it to you it’s not bullish!t it’s facts! If the guy is walking around babbling he’s likely on drugs and a danger to his self and others. So it is the officers job to get him off the street from endangering his self and others. Do cops need to always use excessive force? Absolutely not, and I agree with the people there and the police are abusing power. Then there’s people who have a violent history or is currently being violent towards officers. That’s when excessive force is needed before someone who is not violating that law gets hurt or killed. Do you kneel on someone’s neck for almost 9 min? Hell no that’s murder and cop should have to pay to fullest extent. Police are not judge/jury they don’t get to decide your fate. Their job is to get you off the street into the justice system. All cops are not bad and they just wanna go home at night. Imagine this, if these people complaining weren’t out breaking the law, most likely they would not have to interact with police. Therefore, they would not be in any position to be harmed while in police custody. I’ve lived my whole life and most everyone else without crime and never had a bad experience with a police officer. So here’s a scenario in which is the same thing your saying. So if somebody has a gun to your head and they tell the cops everything is ok you can leave. Do you want the cops to serve and protect the sh!t out of you or just leave ? That’s when the cop has to make a decision to intervene due to safety concerns. Got it yet ?

    3. 1:50 do you remember spare the rod spoil the child..thats your generation. The Damage is already done! We are reaping whats been sown. Raising generations of useful idiots who think the world revolves around them.

  7. There were at least two cops there, i would have tried empty hand control first, if that didn’t work, then tazer. Aside from bypassing hand control first i didn’t have a problem with it. They rolled him over once he was cuffed and into the ambulance. He’s on drugs so talking to him isn’t going to do any good because he isn’t rational. The emt’s had more balls than the officers who were scared to approach him.

    1. I would have defused the situation quickly with my registered hands

  8. 1:50 would be the first one complaining if the cop “just followed him around” and watched a car hit him because he was staggering down the street. The man clearly needed to be EP’d because he was a danger to himself and others, you can’t just load someone like that into an ambulance and wish the emt’s luck, he has to be restrained. I would like to have seen how the police Chief would have handled it, maybe take a page from Barbara duncant’s book and give him some free pizza and a coloring book.

  9. Monday morning quarterbacking again. Walk in those shoes before you become a quarterback. Just sayin.....

  10. If I were a cop, I imagine the first thing to do would be tase the heck outta him. I’ve heard that can make them turn on you. So, run up behind him and throw a arm around his neck in hopes of pulling him to the ground where you can put a knee to his neck. This hopefully will get his bad self under control. Then and only then you can tell him he be under arrest, cuff him and stuff him. Get him to the holding tank and search for another. Man, I’m going to sent my application in online tonight. I’m pumped up to protect and serve the citizens. Oh, leave the pizza to me, bad guy gets none.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: If they are yelling “I can’t breathe “, they are definitely breathing .

  12. Prozac nation!! Yes cutting all that funding for mental health facilities is really paying off! Now you want to cut funding for the police that have to deal with all this chaos in the streets. You people have completely come undone. It's going to take a major confrontation and loss before this fire will go out

  13. Blacks have no home training...no respect for authority. In all of these cases the colored person doesn't listen and obey the orders of the law officer. Look no further than the colon case in Salisbury. Wasted humanity

  14. 8:49...okay, okay....you've told us enough times that your hands are "registered"....lol
    Do they also stop a bullet??


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