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Sunday, June 21, 2020

White female torn from vehicle, stomped in street by BLM during riot in York, Pennsylvania

Chaos erupted when a large crowd of violent people mobbed a white female who was driving on the street during an impromptu march through downtown York, Pennsylvania.

York, Pa – Violence erupted during a Black Lives Matter march, protesting the death of George Floyd through the streets of York, Pennsylvania, on Monday.

The march turned into a full blown riot when a large crowd of violent people mobbed a white female who was driving her car on the street during the impromptu march.

Watch the scene unfold, filmed by Aimee Lewis:



  1. They always go after those that cannot defend themselves

  2. Haters gonna hate;
    Thugs gonna Thug;
    Racism stands tall.

    United States???


  3. Well when the President does executive order declaring ALL POLICE need reform this is what happens. Talk about handing it over to Democrats my goodness. Can’t get my head around it... 800k cops all need to be fixed?

    1. Say what ????

    2. You must mean the failed dude the Trump replaced. Trump didn’t say anything near that.

  4. This has got to stop. No reason for such animal behaviors

    1. Tell it to the Obama thugs.

    2. Yet there was also riot during Obama perfect term lol

  5. Again! If this type of activity ever happens in Salisbury and I accidentally find myself in the wrong place at the wrong time I will press the gas to my vehicle and plow over anyone who attempts to block my path to escape. AND NOW BE WARNED!!! If anyone attempts to open my car door or breaks a window and attempts to pull me or any members of my family out of my vehicle, I WILL shoot you dead!

    1. ✔️✔️✔️

    2. Carry concealed and say nothing.
      No one will know if done properly.

  6. There is a black live matter protest in Berlin tomorrow.lets see how they act around rednecks!

    1. Nothing is going to happen. The protests will march and block the streets. Stop traffic in all directions and the REDnecks that you mention will stand around with a blind look in their eyes too afraid to do anything.

    2. This is the same thing that happened in Charlottesville. The kid made a wrong turn and ended up surrounded by BLACKS. The saw a white kid in a car. Started kicking the car and him. He panicked hit the gas to protect himself. Now this woman is hospitalized with no thug in sight. No. YOUR going to find several thugs if that happens to me.

  7. This is why I carry. My wife didn't want to until today. Niether have permits but I'll take that chance. I will not become a statistic over a unlawful piece of paper.

    1. You will be a statistic in prison

    2. Nope. Think again.

    3. Not if they hit and run. I carry as well. If I must protect myself or family. You think I'm staying to wait for the cops to railroad me?? Think again.

    4. 5:47 I’ll take that chance. At least I’ll be alive. Or should I just let them have their way. Be a good little citizen and wait for the police 🙄 Nah I’ll do what I need to do to defund my family. You lie down if you want pansy.

  8. It's time for a war to rid the country of the thugs.

  9. they can all pull their thuggish ways but when a war comes they all go hide in mommy's basement. When the crap gets real most of these protesters will be no where around. be sitting in the basement crying.

    1. I don’t believe it’ll be that simple!! We are not our ancestors!! When this war that you are referring of comes, just make sure you’re ready for it!! We shoot back and with much bigger guns!

  10. Defund the ghettos!!!!

    1. News flash, the ghetto has always been defunded!!

  11. 2:03 PM - What will you be driving, just so there's a chance of getting out of your way?

    1. Don't block and you won't get run over

  12. Grew up in York. BAD riots in '68, had TANKS and Armored Personnel Carriers in the square. Severl people killed. My bosses brother got killed IN an armored personnel carrier, shot with armor piercing bullets. This riot was 2 blocks from my old store. And these riots happened in the "better" commercial section of town. I hope SBY never gets this wild.

  13. 4:38

    It will be the vehicle that isn't slowing down when you walk in front of it.


  14. I agree with 5:47 - If you are white and you do anything to the protesters, you WILL be arrested. However, turn the table and be a protester who does something to a white person, you are considered a hero. I'm not racist. Some of my best friends are person of color but, come on people. This bull$h1t has to stop!

    Black on white violence does not make for good TV ratings. That's why you never hear of it. White privilege my hairy white @$$. I'm sorry I grew up in a middle class neighborhood and had a mother AND a father. I'm sorry that I chose to do something more with my life than wait for the next government hand out. White privilege, show me white privilege in this country today. Show me where a white person is getting the special treatment the protesters are? In the job market? Nope, companies will pass up a fully qualified white person to hire a lesser qualified person of color. Government benefits? Hmmm...last time it check, there weren't too many white girls at the N. 'Bury Walmart using EBT cards to buy junk food for the kids with the freshly done finger nails, talking on the latest and greatest smartphone. College education? Not too many white kids getting free rides (except to the nearest bankruptcy lawyer because of student loans). White privilege...rrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiight....

    I remember a time not so longer ago that all police were considered heroes because of the few (well may more than a few) braves souls that gave all rescuing people from terror. Now those same people are the devil because of a few dumb @$$es? Oh my freaking GOD, how fickle can we be people?

    But let's keep in thing in mind, all the protesters and the media seem to forget one very important thing all of these activities have in common. The person who was killed WAS A CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!

    With that said, isn't it interesting that this is all happening in an election year?

    Order up, hell in a hand basket, part of one (country).

    Between COVID-19, a president who doesn't have a clue (this from a die hard REPUBLICAN), and this crap...I am SOOOOOOOO over 2020. Ready for 2021...

    And I'm sorry...it's just a matter of time until the same thing that happened in this video happens in da 'Bury.

    1. I was with you 100% 9:44 until you made that comment about our president not having a clue. Oh, he has a clue and will implement his plan after he wins in November. Look out thugs, Trump is not eligible to run again after this election and will have nothing to lose in his second term. The heat will be turned up.


  15. I'm assuming the peaceful protesters knew she had several slaves working at her plantation.


  16. Exactly. They won't have time to protest. They would be to busy STEALING.

  17. I've told you this before, too.

    I know quite a few people (a couple of women among them) who never thought they needed some STRANGER or a POLITICIAN to tell them if was okay with THEM if they carried the means to defend themselves. These wanna-be Nazi gestapo idiots think that THEY decide which one of OUR RIGHTS they think we can use.

    THEY carry guns and the politicians have surrounded themselves with guns, but "we, the people", according to them (NOT the Constitution, which they are SWORN to obey and defend, LOL), just don't have that right anymore. THEY are afraid of a populace who may one day do what Jefferson TOLD US TO DO.
    Carry a gun.
    Learn about, and use, Jury Nullification.
    Also, just like I have said, when you are sitting in traffic, look around. I GUARANTEE there is someone packing heat that did not submit to fingerprinting, paying a fee for using their right to BEAR ARMS, getting grilled by the gestapo, giving up the NAMES OF YOUR FRIENDS (!!), or "registering" ANYTHING.
    THEY are the ones who you better not try to pull from their cars or jump all over their vehicle.

    Jury Nullification.
    Shoot to kill. Watch how quickly this monkey BS stops.
    Trial at 9. Innocent by noon.
    I'm also sure that somewhere, some politician is trying to find a way to make Jury Nullification a crime. Might even be "your guy". Looking out for "we, the people" and all that....

    Keep cheering.


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