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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Maryland governor backs police, pledges more cops to combat Ocean City violence

Ocean City police are announcing more arrests after recent violence.

Also, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said in a statement: "The rash of violence we have seen in Ocean City in recent days is completely unacceptable. [Maryland State Police] will continue to support the Ocean City Police Department and deploy troopers for enhanced patrol assistance."


  1. Sean Hannity showed a fight video from Ocean City last night on his show.
    How embarrassing for OC and it's "leaders!"

  2. Not the national pub our City needs - yet this is what happens when you go to bed early and don't act...Rickie.

  3. Really?? Gave you seen Baltimore?? I know several Baltimore police officers. They are retiring, quitting, or just moving on because they don't have ANYONE covering their back. But the governor is worried about OC?? What about the FOOL'S in Montgomery county Maryland?? Talk about getting your priorities mixed up.

    1. The same Baltimore where over the last 10 years over half of its police force has been indicted? Those cops? That Baltimore?

    2. I think you got that wrong. You mean Baltimore mayor's and council. Name a Baltimore cop that was indicted??

    3. @240 no you go look for yourself. Ive Ive already read the articles and retained the information. Now you go do it for yourself.

  4. If the mayor is calling for the governor to help. Then we need a new mayor and council.

  5. barn door theory in play here...

    the thugs have largely left OC...now a heavy police presence AFTER?

    mayor/chief - ever plan ahead?

  6. Another example of MSP trying to insert themselves into other agencies business. This is an OC problem. Let OC fix it. It is NOT the states problem that they don’t have enough officers or that their leadership doesn’t know how to effectively handle crime in their own jurisdiction. I could understand if the mayor fired the chief due to incompetence. During the transition to a new chief, MSP would be warranted to assist during a change of leadership. However, it is not MSP’s job to come in and rescue the chief and fix his inherent incompetence. Fix your own department chief. Use strategies to deploy your manpower effectively and to reduce crime. Pull people out of specialized units, get them in uniform and fix the problems while using your existing resources. If you can’t do the job, step aside and let someone take over that can.

  7. Hug a Thug Thursday everybody.

    What will tonite yet bring to the news?


  8. 4 out of 6 precincts in Atlanta Geo. did not have officers show up for night shift last night...it going to get real very soon.

    1. Why would they show up? They have to do real police work without the protection of immunity. Hopefully every cop just like those cops never shows back to work.

  9. 10:04 MSP is not “inserting” themselves into anywhere. If Ocean City had accomplished handling this situation MSP and the Sheriff would not be needed but the truth is OC can’t handle it between the politics and not hiring as many summer officers as in the past.

    1. It’s not MSP’s problem that they didn’t hire and don’t have enough officers. The Maryland State Police have limited resources as well. On many shifts, there at TWO Troopers working all of Worcester County. But, guess what, they handle it and make do. OC needs to manage their police force more effectively and efficiently.

  10. Adolph Hogan is feeling the heat from the conservatives and now his gem OC.

    Adolph Hogan is seeing his Hitler rule is costing the State tax dollars and unemployment, since businesses are closing and people are losing jobs.

    State Employees are being educated on how Adolph Hogan and his predecessor has stolen money from their retirement fund that they were / are mandated to contribute to. They also realize if their retirement is cut then all past / present / future Politians and their appointees will be required to lose all their outlandish retirements and benefits.

    The whole time making MARYLAND a sanctuary Sate with these stolen funds and our tax dollars going to illegals that don't speak English.

    1. 11:54
      Your tax dollars go the Fed Bankers who own the US Bonds. Plus the government of China who owns those Bonds.

      But we understand your point.
      Tax dollars should only go to illegals who can actually speak English

  11. Exactly 9:57. Since Sunday OC has been practically a ghost town The buck starts and stops right with the chief. June can always be a problem and then this year add to that all the activities cancelled for the graduates and more importantly the riots going on everywhere else. With all of that as a back drop that chief had ample time to prepare ahead of time. He failed which if anyone thinks on it, it was an easy test. Bottom line if he can't recognize clues for lack of a better word then he is not the right person for the job and OC officials should start thinking long and hard about asking for his resignation. Not only must the officers have confidence in their chief so should those who visit OC and those who pay his salary. He has lost that confidence.

    1. The real bottom line is valuing dollars more than the health and welfare of your customers is a losing strategy.

    2. When your entire business community values dollars over lives what you are seeing in OC is called a predictable outcome.

  12. 10:04 - You are so misinformed. MSP is NOT inserting themselves. Do you really think they want to get involved with the out of control lunacy going on there? They are being called in because OCEAN CITY CANNOT HANDLE THE PROBLEM!

    The so-called "chief" obviously can't fix it. It is not all his fault though as the department is woefully understaffed.

    What do you want to see - looting and burning before help is sent in??? My guess is OC is not far from it now.

    1. How is it not “his fault” that the department is understaffed? HE is the one responsible for that. No one else!! When you are the Chief...you are ultimately responsible for all decisions. Hiring included. So again, why should the MSP have to come in and fix his piss poor leadership? He has a history or poor judgement and bad decisions. He has absolutely NO leadership ability. He has the Resouces to fix the problem. He has way more officers than MSP has Troopers in the surrounding barracks that are going to be sent to assist. He needs to be fired for incompetence and replaced with someone who actually knows how to lead and manage a department.

  13. Maybe he can authorize a detail to roundup all the horses that were in that now-empty barn?
    I equate what is going on in OC right now with the statements from so many cities that "things have calmed down".
    There's nothing left to loot.

    (By the way, did anyone notice that one major nightclub in OC (which shall remain a secret) had a full on country band last weekend? Veiled racism at it's very best! Also a smart move.)

    1. Rules are not the same for those in the OC Circle.

  14. Hogan is going to protect the cash cow (Ocean City) for the criminals in Annapolis.

    1. Duh

      Hogans primary residence is in Ocean City dummy .....he wont be Governor 4 ever

  15. 126 - Bingo!!!!!

    (uh yes, insert massive sarcasm)

  16. It's time for the Mayor and Council to step down and time for new leadership. It's already been proven since H20i that the Mayor, Council and Police Chief has failed the citizens and visitors of Ocean City Maryland. I've told all of my kinfolks to pass the word that Ocean City is not safe. Go somewhere else.

  17. All the people fighting are low life thugs. The police should be able to use any force possible to stop these stupid worthless Pieces of Crap aholes.

    1. Reminds me of Afghanistan. They can shoot and kill you. But you better not fire back.

  18. The chief of police needs to be an elected position. NOT appointed.

    How many arrests have been made after the firearm discharge the other night at Pickles? Shortly after midnight BAMG BANG BANG BANG BANG. That's right. 5 rapid fire gunshots in our town. Pickles advertized a D.J. for the night. Do you think the Chief would be smart enough to have at least 1 car stationed down there to keep an eye on things. No way. This guy is an after the fact responder. You should have seen all the cop cars buzzing around the neighborhood after the fact.

  19. Boss Hog will send in Rosco P Coltrain if needed along with Daisy Dukes

    & the Duke Boys with The General Lee !!! LOL LOL LOL

  20. NatL Guard is needed !!!!

  21. BEWARE-- I heard Barney Fife is losing his bullet due to a cut in police funding.


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