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Saturday, June 20, 2020


“We are super-versed on ideological theories”

In a video from 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors confesses to being a “trained organizer” and a “trained Marxist,” validating claims the global group might be a radical left-wing organization designed to pander to modern multicultural permutations of Marxist ideology.

Cullors is one of the Black Lives Matter movement’s co-founders, a queer activist, and has advocated for the abolition of prisons.

In the shortened 2015 clip taken from an interview for The Real News Network, Cullors says, “I think of a lot of things: The first thing I think of is that we actually do have an ideology frame.”



  1. BLM is well funded terrorist organization. Not one cent of their wealth goes into the community for anything other then busing people in to protest. They need to go. Too many times they end up leaving in their own communities unbelievable destruction and even more death. They are not of God. They are of the devil and nothing good will ever come out of anyone who has anything to do with them.
    They don't even have the decency to follow the wished of George Floyd's own family who asked there be no protests. When you can disrespect their wishes that says a lot about the person the people who are protesting are.

  2. It’s corporate now and in the fabric of America it is not going away and currently worth 200 million dollars. Republicans did nothing to point out statical data and debunk the narrative. Instead they decided to REFORM LAW ENFORCEMENT and track their every move. However Fbi is fine.

  3. Joe, I just left the Salisbury Wawa store on Rt. 13 south and the black employees are wearing special Wawa Black Lives Matter pins. This is getting crazy!

  4. 3:10. Terrible business practice.

  5. The same crap they tried in 1968. Remember "Peace and Love"? Everyone was running around yelling "peace and love" Who can be against peace and love? Well, then you must be for hate and war, right? They're doing the same thing now.

    I am all for black lives. I believe that black lives do matter, just as much as whites. But I really resent the name of a Marxist organization being on the lips of everyone. I wonder how many blacks, good church going black people who believe in Jesus Christ as much as we do, are aware that BLM is openly anti religion and was founded by two Marxist lesbians?

    What really scares me is that you cant say, "I'm against Black lives matter" without people hearing you mean you are against black lives. I'm so for blaack lives that I think we absolutely need to stop the black genocide by abortion we've been doing since 1973

  6. Thanks for setting us straight. I thought Antifa highjacked the BLM. Now we know who we’re dealing with.

  7. It's never made any sense that so many blacks are church going but vote democrat which stands for everything against God's word and the Bible. How in good conscious can they step foot in God's House on Sundays only to vote democrat.

  8. If you go to BLM website and try to donate money. And use the site to see where your money goes. It all goes to the Democrats. Check it out. Follow the money.

  9. Early this morning they were protesting in Minneapolis by plugging each other with bullets. At least 10 shot. Atlanta also had something similar. But those black lives supposedly matter. At least they could be truthful and not lie about it. Black Lives ONLY Matter depending on who pulled the trigger. To claim any differently is more black lies. No one ever protests especially en masse over black on black murder. Just the other day a young pregnant mother and her 3 year old MURDERED in Baltimore. Not a protest one for her. Her life means nothing to them and that is what is so nauseating so gross and so uncivilized. Animals are more civilized and that is the truth. Prioritizing murder Shame on them They can not sink any lower or get more disgusting

  10. It's all ridiculous Marxism as an ideology has only every existed in print. It has never been manifested. Soviet and Chinese Communism was never Marxist. It's impossible to enforce any doctrine without compliant greed. Power is not idealistic it's inherently rewarding to those in power and their rewarded minions. The Church is a great example and our own Republic is not so Democratic when you look at who it actually rewards and protects. These are not scary philosophies. It's base Human Nature we compete for resources survival and futures that are by nature hardly collective. The strong rule procreate and survive protecting and exploiting the weak for their means to do so. It's how the idea of a blissful after life became so popular because you may not have a great trip here in the Garden.

  11. This so called BLM leader doesn’t even know what Marxism is much less be ‘trained’ in it. This statement alone shows you what a scam the whole BLM movement is. They have no cause. No purpose. Their only focus is looting. They want free crap. What else is new?

  12. James 5

    Are we up to the number 5?
    Just trying to help


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