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Saturday, June 20, 2020

This hard hitting new TRUMP ad will surely get the MEDIA aroused

What is very interesting is that Trump would even do such an advertisement. The Democrats have organized themselves into “The Resistance” to sabotage President Trump. This is really a major confrontation for Democracy is dead and indeed the press has lost all integrity and is no longer balanced. Many are confused. Why do the Democrats hate Trump so much? It certainly seems that they are so against him because he cannot be bribed and as such is overturning their feeding trough.

There are many people that wonder what is going on. This advertisement is truly amazing insofar it is exposing a lot of issues that many people find questionable. There are some entities that Trump points out in this advertisement from Sorors to the bankers who I can personally attest have been engaged in trading markets for major gains and rely on the SEC and CFTC to always look the other way. Some banks have been paying bribes to achieve their goals in markets. I have called them “The Club” for they were outright soliciting me to join.

This 2020 election will be different. It will be very interesting, to say the least. This ad DOES NOT target a specific candidate. So it seems to be throwing down the gauntlet for an all out war. This is very curious for it is a major departure in how politics had been played. The point here is that the gloves have come off. I have been warning that the 2020 election should be the most violent. Perhaps we have not seen anything yet.



  1. More Fantasy divisional Politics. Trump will have four more years not because he's effective but he's made an example of what is not Politics as the parties scramble to glean and groom their next contender. He's a media figure like Reagan playing a roll. Not an intellectual or studied in the Constitution or LAW.

    1. That’s why I voted for him. I will never vote for another politician or lawyer again. Never. Btw he survived Russia Russia Russia and Ukraine phone call about Biden’s corruption. Pretty sure he is a little more then an actor.

    2. Wrong he'll win because he cares about the citizens of America.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Trump has got to win to get us out of this hole the Dems, Clintons & Obamas have put us in eight years is not enough for their terms since their terms ended that have gained billions.Ask yourself how two families who could not afford from their own mouths homes after they left the White Houses have mansions and billons of dollars which they stole at a cost to us the citizens they made trade deals while in office and since leaving with other countries including our enemies. Yes that means they are traiters and probably won't do any time in jail or have to pay in anyway. They have used ways to get immigrants into this country with criminal records, murderers and rapists. And have tried to pull many Black people down their path and destroyed our history, statues, laws, and anything they can to steer you away from looking at them closer. Obama never produced an American birth certificate, entering into his 2nd term his best friend became Al Sharpton who never has paid his taxes and who lives to stir racial tensions. The Clintons hid their $ into the Clinton Foundation with $ from our enemies. They are two of the wealthiest presidents now that we have had both having little when they entered office THINK ABOUT IT.

  3. Just waiting for tonights, conservative protest, oh and we will have a quiet riot, you know, No lootings, arson, stabbings or shootings. It is a conservative protest because you only get sick at rallies but no sickness at protest. I love the silent majority. Trump 2020

  4. Riots, Russia, impeachment, statues, lock down, crashed economy more riots and mandatory police reform. I would say the left is doing a pretty good job with zero push back from republicans. Not to mention constant winning attacks on religion and Supreme Court destroying high school sports. Nancy has done everything she wanted to do.

  5. There is obviously a little bearded troll sitting in his mommy's basement that I have observed for the past several weeks attacking other commentators on this website. Your right to do so is acknowledged. And it may not even be you all the time or even ever before (RE: 1:17 pm) No problem there, but you sure sound like the other. But we also have the right to comment on what a weakling POS you show yourself to be. But you apparently have so much time on your "hands", at least between your masturbation sessions with a tiny appendage and quick response that provides you with all your free time to comment. I tend to see you respond rather early in the session of comments or very shortly after another commentator comes on. You do make reading this section enjoyable. Tell me, what is actually lurking in the waters under your bridge or mommy's basement, or in your little mind. Trump was not elected due to his constitutional scholarship, he was elected to enact the people's will---something very few, if any, recent politicians have even attempted to do. But they have certainly promised and failed to produce. Very much like the little pea-brain "constitutional instructor" named obama. A supposed "intellectual"--but I guess within his own little mind. At least you are smart enough to acknowledge that President Trump WILL have 4 more years. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming-------again---and again----and again. Ask biden to spell his name 3 times within 10 seconds. This is what represents your hopes and dreams. Oh sorry, did you just have another wet dream little guy??? Nothing personal toward you 1:17 pm---Just Sayin'. Love and peace Bro.

  6. Those dastardly Democrats held the crowd way down it what may be the next swing state-Oklahoma. I’m sure this is an aberration and the crowds will really really pick up in the critical swing states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida and the biggest new swing state-Texas. The crowds just can’t wait to see Lying Donald take on Sleepy Joe!

  7. biden doesn't know where he lives or how to tie his shoestrings

  8. James 547

    Yes, I am getting anxious.
    What will the final number be?


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