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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trump tears into Biden's 'rallies' by posting a picture of empty hall

President Donald Trump mocked Joe Biden’s campaign Friday by posting a picture of a nearly empty hall and stating that the former Vice President’s ‘rally’ had ‘zero enthusiasm’.

Trump shared a picture on Twitter of the Democratic candidate’s campaign event in Philadelphia earlier on Friday in which social distancing measures were taken to space out attendees.

‘Joe Biden’s rally. ZERO enthusiasm!’ he wrote.

Trump’s criticism came as crowds gathered - both fans and protesters - ahead of his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which will take place Saturday.

His campaign has claimed they are preparing for overflow crowds as they expect for the 19,000-plus seat BOK Center to be filled.



  1. B.L.M.= BidenLiesMatter

  2. This is what we knew all along and these figures we get on polls and the media glitz we know has to be all lies. How can the DNC and Democratic party believe he will even make it to the election, if they don't pull the plug on this and let the man live in his basement, sorry to be the first to say it on here but I believe he will be in an assistant living facility or have someone who lives with them to care for him before too long.

  3. Trump knows this virus hoax is made up by the Democrats. That's why there is no waiver for his fans to sign to prevent them from suing his campaign if they catch Covid. He's a responsible leader who puts his followers ahead of his party's finances. No waiver means he put his money where his mouth is.

    1. Dems worked with CHINA to destroy Trump.

  4. Bwahahahahahahaha!

  5. 12:55 There is a waiver.

  6. Wait!!

    CNN and NBC say he is kicking Trump's butt by 14 points!

    And then the cow jumped over the moon....

    If you think he destroyed hillary, what he is going to do to biden will be historic and supremely humiliating.

    THAT will be something to cheer for....

  7. But Biden is up 12 points in the CNN survey. (Taken in the CNN lunchroom)

  8. Careful throwing stones in the glassed WH

  9. Sleepy Joe vs. Lying Sleezy Donald. An American Classic!

  10. Seems like the biggest question right now is whether Sleepy Joe will get 300 or 400 Electorial votes. Judging by the size of the huge, amazing, unbelievable crowd at the BOK arena to see Lying Donald smart money is taking the over.

  11. Biden's crowd will be under age 18 !!!! & Female

  12. So, how'd that rally work out for Trump?

    A NOTICEABLE silence about it here.... didn't that dumpster fire happen Saturday night?

    Trump said "millions" to come. Wasn't it like 6,200? That place holds 19,000. Even canceled the "overflow" presentation outside because no one cared.

    So, how many of his staffers tested positive for Coronavirus just before the event? Yea, that was six of them who were working on this event.

    There is a whole lotta failing happening right now, no wonder Trump is in a bad mood and sent only ONE tweet out the following day in a 16 hour stretch. Sensitive, like a snowflake I guess.

    His house of cards is not beginning to fall... it's all ready falling.

    Yea, the silence about that dud on this site is DEAFENING.


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