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Saturday, June 20, 2020

“The DC Police Are Not Doing Their Job as They Watch a Statue Be Ripped Down and Burned” – TRUMP RIPS DC Police As ANOTHER Statue Is Toppled by Leftist Mob

Black Lives Matter protesters ripped down a statue of Confederate General Albert Pike in Washington DC.

The statue is over 100 years old.

The statue was approved by Congress and it dedicated to his service as a Mason.

The protest mob said they will drag it to the river.

This is a revolution.
The left will not be happy until they topple the government.



  1. These aren’t protesters they’re left wing militants doing Work for China

  2. Well Trump they need Reform remember? Deep state at Doj will get them straight

  3. 11:33 for soros not China. Does anyone blame the police???

    1. Soros Family is associated with the Li Family And other prominent Jewish lines.

  4. Taxation without Representation should be changed to Taxation without Home Rule. The District of Columbia was created for a purpose and we can now see how Home Rule was a mistake.

  5. There is always the big MLK statue that is in DC...

  6. This is pissing me off until no end.

  7. Those statues have been there for many, many years and have never hurt a soul. Someone told these thugs where this statue was so they could destroy it. It's time to find out who that was and out them.

  8. I just saw this post on a form FB friends post who is is an elected member of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee.


    Vanessa Alban
    Yesterday at 11:42 AM ·

    "Just so people know -
    there are conservative republicans in favor of removing the confederate statues and flags. I am thrilled this is finally happening."


    Eugene Magee said... Can't erase history removing them does nothing

    Vanessa Alban said... Eugene Magee it does do something, they should not be honored. They fought against our flag. I agree history can’t and shouldn’t be erased, that is not my goal. Traitors to our Union and those who fought for the evil of slavery should not be honored on public land.

    Vanessa Alban said... they were traitors to our union, fought against our flag. And we are honoring them???

    Michael Dearing said... Sounds to me like a closet Democrats 😢

    Vanessa Alban said... Michael Dearing don’t talk to me like i’m uninformed. I am well educated on the subject and furthermore i’ve lived it. So take that argument and shove it

  9. This is a disgrace!

  10. Anonymous said...
    These aren’t protesters they’re left wing militants doing Work for China

    June 20, 2020 at 11:33 AM

    You are an ignorant, uneducated moron.

  11. Anonymous said...
    11:33 for soros not China. Does anyone blame the police???

    June 20, 2020 at 12:09 PM

    Many of them are DC black thugs who hate white people, but you know someone had to point that statue out to them because they aren't educated enough to know who it was.

  12. You can bet some of the members of the mayor and council have their fingerprints all over this.

  13. Andy Harris, don't you dare vote to give those idiots statehood.

  14. Pine was 33rd Degree and helped organize the Klan to honor that degree.

    K = 11th letter

  15. I just saw this post on a form FB friends post who is is an elected member of the Worcester County Republican Central Committee.


    Vanessa Alban
    Yesterday at 11:42 AM ·

    "Just so people know -
    there are conservative republicans in favor of removing the confederate statues and flags. I am thrilled this is finally happening."


    Eugene Magee said... Can't erase history removing them does nothing

    Vanessa Alban said... Eugene Magee it does do something, they should not be honored. They fought against our flag. I agree history can’t and shouldn’t be erased, that is not my goal. Traitors to our Union and those who fought for the evil of slavery should not be honored on public land.

    Vanessa Alban said... they were traitors to our union, fought against our flag. And we are honoring them???

    Michael Dearing said... Sounds to me like a closet Democrats 😢

    Vanessa Alban said... Michael Dearing don’t talk to me like i’m uninformed. I am well educated on the subject and furthermore i’ve lived it. So take that argument and shove it

  16. let me deface MLK monument and watch me get arrested.

  17. It’s time to call it like it is. Antifa and BLM are terrorist groups. Round them all up and shoot them.

  18. The problem with all of this is these statues/plaques etc no more are honoring anyone then Auschwitz in Poland honors Hitler and the Nazis. It is history. Moving this history to museums or whatever does a disservice to people especially younger people many of whom will never step foot in any museum. My children were lucky in that we have a home less then 10 minutes away from all the museums in DC so the good part of many summers we lived at the museums and monuments. It will once again be us privileged and our children who get the benefit of a well rounded history education.

  19. And whitey sits on his ass doing nothing.

    1. Why be or look stupid??? Plus someone needs to be in charge.

  20. I'm with Trump on this! Arrest them! & why are you not?

  21. 4:27 because democrats are the worst things walking the face of the earth. They are all homicidal maniacs who have no trouble sacrificing their own children They would kill in a second with no shame. They are putrid stains on the country.

  22. Cops can’t pepper spray, tear gas or taze. Can punch kick or touch the head. Can’t use their guns. If they do they will be arrested so they get payed to be screamed at. Most will quit or retire early and get office job or bang nails.

  23. 427 - we sit because we are in charge!


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