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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thousands Of Unapproved, Counterfeit COVID-19 Tests And Medications Seized At Port Of Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — 14,000 COVID-19 treatment capsules and dozens of COVID testing kits were seized by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Baltimore. Both the treatment capsules and testing kits were all imported from China and are all completely fake.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, so too do the scams.

It’s why HSI launched a nationwide operation, Operation Stolen Promise, to seize COVID contraband.

The Baltimore-based team of agents found the COVID-19 treatment capsules at the Port of Baltimore, hidden in boxes under packets of Chinese tea.

“It was no secret to law enforcement that there were going to be people trying to take advantage of the pandemic,” said John Eisert, HSI Baltimore Special Agent in Charge.

More than anything, said Eisert, his team is concerned about what’s inside the capsules, that promise to relieve COVID patients of their symptoms.



  1. What is this???? Fake or tainted test??? hmmm One thing left for me to say, I TOLD YOU MORONS SO!!!!

  2. How many of these supplies were purchased by Adolph Hogan with MD tax dollars?

  3. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinah.

    can't live with them...can't live without them.


  4. Why is the United States receiving anything from China?

  5. The Chinese are not our friends !

  6. A few years ago I ordered a pair of 2x3 foot AstroTurf doormats from a Chinese dropship supplier on Amazon. They were about $25 for the pair. What arrived a couple of weeks later were two 16x24 inch foam mats covered in thin cloth that had a photo of AstroTurf on top, pretty much just large placemats. To get my refund I had to send pictures.
    There are always people out there to take advantage.

  7. 1:07 I learned to order right from Aliexpress the Chinese owned equivalent to Amazon. Many of the Chinese sellers on Amazon (and ebay) are there for the exclusive purpose to make bad ratings for Amazon (and ebay.) I have ordered 100's of things from Ali and not ever a problem except lately shipping delays due to coronavirus which they warned of and I expected even before the warning.
    If you have a question messages are answered in literally minutes no matter the time of day and not the canned "we will get back to you" but personal replies.

  8. Hogan isn't going to like that. That was his.


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