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Thursday, June 11, 2020

OBAMA KNEW – Friday’s Document Release Shows Assessment of Hillary’s Emails Performed by ODNI, NSC and State Department In October 2009

Another slew of documents were released last Friday by the FBI related to Hillary Clinton’s email abuse while she was Obama’s Secretary of State. These documents contain more outrageous information that should have been released years ago and of course corrupt cop Peter Strzok is involved.

The FBI released more documents related to Hillary Clinton’s emails last Friday. These documents were long over due. In one document, a letter is written by corrupt cop and former FBI Agent Peter Strzok, asking for an assessment of Hillary’s emails that was performed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the National Security Counsel (NSC) and the Department of State (DoS) in October of 2009:


  1. We know Obama was a dirty communist

  2. Hillary above all else needs to be accountable for the 4 Americans killed in Bengazi when she failed when called to provide protection. She did not respond for two days giving her time to copy up with a flimsy excuse and got lawyered up. This should be a jailed sentence and done ASAP.

  3. And of course the narrative is that Trump's a liar.

    The fact is Obama was the biggest lying P.O.S. to ever reside in the white house.

  4. Oh, yeah, more documents the FBI said they didn't have.

  5. And he should be in cell beside hillary for aiding and abetting

  6. Is this why Hillary's friends called out the rioters? I hope she gets a job cleaning the toilets in prison.

  7. He's the one behind the ENTIRE SHAM. I would love to see Obama convicted for treason. But we have too many punk Republicans who are afraid to protect our CONSITUTION.

  8. No Democrat will ever go to jail.

  9. Our only hope for justice is Bill Barr and Durham. I hope they finish the job.

  10. More then likely Biden will win so it doesn’t matter


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