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Monday, June 01, 2020

This Election Is Republicans Versus China

It’s pretty clear who the commie bastards known for their shoddy lab practices and their weird fetish for gnawing on pangolins badly want to win in November, and it's not Trump and the Republicans. The Chinese communists want their money’s worth, and they will go all-in for the Democrats who find the chance to hurt Trump at the same time they hurt America too delicious to pass up. Plus, the Dems heartily approve of what Mao’s Pals are doing to freedom-loving Hong Kongers, seeing it as a template for what they would love to do to freedom-loving us.

We need to understand and accept that a vote for anyone with a “D” is a vote for Xi.

Now, some people who are stupid and/or liars will whine that this is mean and unfair and totally unlike the last four years of accusations about Trump and his folks being the pet of Vladimir Putin whose treason has perpetually had the walls closing in whilst the Grand Marshal of the Supreme Court was poised to frog-march them all to a C-130, next stop Gitmo. And it is totally unlike the Obamagate/Russiagate thing, in that with the Obamagate/Russiagate thing was a manifest lie and the accusation that the CCP is holding the pink slip of the Donkey Party in its bat soup-moistened hands is true.

Let’s look at Joe Biden for a moment, though it will have to be on video since the Geppettos holding his strings are not letting him out of his Delaware dungeon unless a miracle happens and he becomes a real boy.

This is the guy that went publicly incontinent when the Great Wall Gang was shipping Typhoid Mulans over here and Trump cut off that insanity. Travel bans were racist, you know, until they weren’t. And this guy wants to be president, when he remembers he is running for president, though his priority was not saving American lives but not vexing Beijing. This guy is so far in the Red Menace’s pocket that he’s risking lint poisoning.

They channel the digital Dem, asking, “Come on man, is it too much to want a president who takes America’s side?

Well, to the Democrats, the answer is a responding, “Yes, and don’t assume my gender.”



  1. No it's not, it's about an incompetent wannabe dictator that defecates on the constitution daily, and is a compulsive liar, verses anyone else. In this case Biden, a competent well informed and respected patriot with dignity and integrity.

    1. WOW. Either you are just trying to get a rise out of people. Or you are completely an ASININE BAFFOON. Look at what he's done to Delaware?? GM, CHRYSLER, DUPONT, MBNA, SATURN ALL GONE. The biggest employer in the State. Is the STATE. He's a corrupt, sexual predator. He may be in jail before the year's out. Patriot?? LMAO. Thanks for the humor.

  2. 5:15


    You are some kind of douchebag aren't you.

  3. Americans VS. Democrats !!! 2020

  4. Been saying this since covo-19 broke out..so Guess ill drop my mike now...china democrat colusion its real!!!

  5. I want whatever 5:15 is smoking


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