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Monday, June 01, 2020

‘Inflammatory Rhetoric Isn’t Going To Help’: Gov. Hogan On President Trump’s Tweets About George Floyd Protests

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — President Donald Trump’s tweets about the protests in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd in police custody drew some criticism Friday, after he called protestors “thugs” and tweeted “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan spoke on the President’s tweets Friday on TODAY saying, “inciting things and inflammatory rhetoric isn’t going to help.”

“I do believe that you’ve got to have law and order to we’ve got to stop the burning and looting, but inciting violence with Twitter is not the way to go about it,” Hogan added.

The governor also addressed comparisons being made between George Floyd’s death and the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.



  1. No mention of social distancing

  2. You are so full of crap, I regret casting my vote for you. I believe you were a democrat when you ran on the GOP ticket. Also bet this is as for a you go in your life style on the tax payer. Trump/Pence 2020

  3. Trump didn't tweet about the protests, Trump tweeted about the rioting you stupid fat slob governor wannabe.

    Trump has said over and over that the people have a right to protest.

  4. hogan has turned into a vile loathsome human being. The President tells it like it is tells The Truth and hogan always the spineless coward terrified he will offend the THUGS hogan is an enabler to the destruction. The worst is the only ones who will suffer are those already in the under served areas. The more affluent areas will rebuild and get on with their lives in record time. The under serve areas will not ever recover. The only ones who will make out are the lumber yards selling plywood to board up the burn out ruins and other building abandon because of these riots. The black on black crime and murder will set records once again when this is over and the funeral homes will make out and those who work in the prison systems will be guaranteed jobs.

  5. No, and his bald headed RINO butt is already talking about "we'll have to wait and see how our numbers go back up with all the protesters." He is a Democrat and he is just hoping to put everybody back into lockdown.

  6. Oh look. It our glorious RINO opening his giant pie hole. Nobody cares what you think. You are knowingly and falsely talking our Presidents words out of context and twisting it the way your democrat masters have told you.

    You make we physically ill. Please be standing with the “protesters” when patriots take this country back.

  7. Governors are WEAK & Trump is RIGHT !!!!

  8. So I guess we should just give them participation trophys instead!! right hogan?

  9. Hogan can't just STFU can he. Let's see you handle Baltimore porkboy. Like you did before I'm sure. FATHEAD.

  10. Just turn out the lights in the White House and hide in the bunker with your foreign trophy wife and pugnacious kid. It will all pass and you can Tweet some more nonsense to the FANS tomorrow.

    1. Damn you are more jealous than anyone I’ve heard speak about your president and mine.

  11. Oooh, mister above it all, holyier than thou, Dudley do right. Give me a break.

  12. Larry, just STFU and be constructive, even in the face of what you believe is poor leadership. This president doesn't fit your mold. We get that. Do the best you can to accept it, 'cause it's not likely to change to suit either you or the Left.

  13. Hogan is a straight up Democrat just like the idiot running Minnesota that allowed his city’s to be burned and looted and did nothing

  14. Adolph Hogan what did you do in Baltimore? You did not back the Police. You do not back law enforcement.

    You allowed Baltimore to burn before you decided you would bring in added Law Enforcement and the MD NG. You are another Hitler who allowed the Germans to rebel then kill them.

    Well you allow all this violence, destruction and theft then steal money from the State Employees Retirement Fund to rebuild and support these criminal actions.

    That means you are a thief and a convict no better than these thugs you will not control and gas them into submission.

    You are not a friend of law enforcement. Do you know how much your security despises you for your anti Police actions?

  15. Throw Larry a Hamburger..

    he looks Hungry

  16. Bob Aswell ....RealistJune 1, 2020 at 10:12 PM

    Hoggan has already proved he's a limp dick. Fat boy who was never one of the cool kids and morphed into a politician and by a fluke to keep the Republicans pacified made Governor in name only. When it comes to having any balls he struck out on all bases. I'd like to see Cuomo and him trying to muddle through this pushing their liberal agenda on these looters.
    They really get cut to the quick when Trump displays leadership and doesn't care who likes it.
    They can't do it themselves and don't have a clue but never fail to criticise the man who has the intestinal fortitude to make it happen. Corozza says he's 'a great man' and as I see it that opinion is singular of her and go to any major municipality to check his ratings. If there is a man in the Country who couldn't screen for ' the fat engine that couldn't' its Hoggan by a length or more.
    I'd like to know on what grounds he could qualify to be the non-biased judge of anything. Mike Miller has had his hand up Hoggans'ass the whole terms of that office and see what brain dead drivel the electorate has been left with. The real test will be if he ever files for another office no matter how trivial. That'll tell him and all the liberals he coddles how much water he and them draw. Shut up Hoggan and realize your place Mr. Lame Duck.

  17. Extremely sorry I voted for this BOZO.

  18. Well said 8:13. But he's a bum and can't help himself. I'm NEVER voting for Hogan. Didn't the first time but he still got in. Now the Maryland pensions are going broke. TAXES will be going up again because of Hogan and State Congress.

  19. Hogan is a bellend

  20. At least trump will act and not stand by and watch animals destroy our country
    I hope he does send military in and give them orders to shoot not watch.

  21. While it is uncalled for and sickening that Hogan would enable rioters by not calling them out for what they are THUGS he can't do much about Baltimore unless asked by the other THUGS that the resident elect into office.

  22. Boss Hog Hogan thinks he was part of Hogan's Heroes !!! NOT


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