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Monday, June 01, 2020

‘The People Want Blood:’ Violent Clashes Continue Outside White House

Clashes with the police continued for a second day outside the White House, amid nationwide outbreaks of violence and looting, with one protester seen holding a sign bearing the slogan “The People Want Blood.”

Another sign said “abolish the police.”

The journalist who caught the sign on camera, an editor for local news station WTOP, also reported that Secret Service police in riot gear issued three “unlawful assembly” warnings, deploying pepper spray when the warnings went unheeded.



  1. Abolish thieves, criminals and trash.

  2. Just start shooting them already these are no longer peaceful protests.

  3. I'd like to see their actual numbers and demographics, just to be sure who "The People" to whom they refer actually are, and to get an idea of what their motives might be to spill others' blood.

    Scrawling slogans on a sign and on buildings got my attention. What's behind it and what's going to be done now?

  4. The Blood will be the Criminal's Blood !!! It's All on them !!!

  5. Give them a warning on a loud speaker--anyone who loots or does bodily or property damage will be shot in the legs or butt with bird shot--and then do it. SEND A MESSAGE THAT THIS CRAP WILL STOP RIGHT NOW .-AND THEN LOCK THEM UP.IT IS STUPID TO BELIEVE YOU CAN BE CIVIL TO A THUG TRYING TO DO HARM....

  6. Better Not Fkkkk with the Whitehouse > They Will Win !!! FACT !!!

  7. Military needs to be patrolling in D.C !!!!


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