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Monday, June 01, 2020

Donald Trump: ‘World Is Watching and Laughing’ at Democrats During Riots

President Donald Trump urged Democrats on Sunday to call up the National Guard to help stop violent protesters in their cities.

“These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW,” Donald Trump wrote. “The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”

Trump specifically pointed to rioting and looting in Philadelphia

“Law and Order in Philadelphia, NOW!” Trump wrote. “They are looting stores.”

The president took credit for urging Minnesota Democrats to call up the National Guard in Minneapolis on Saturday after days of rioting.



  1. Well this is going to be interesting.

    Why? CNN had the audio of the teleconference and played it on air. I'm not sure this audio call (President to Governors) was for the general public.

    Yet someone recorded and sent it to CNN.

    Interesting times indeed.

  2. Actually they're watching and laughing at hide in a bunker Trump. He is such a fake.

    1. Trump not hiding he just launched a rocket Saturday... Democrat Governor’s and Mayors failures are being spotlighted for everyone to see .. last time you clowns tried a stunt like this Nixon was elected lol

    2. Sorry you are so ill informed 1:45. If anti-Trumpers would jump on the train they would be so much more happier in everyday life. Man, I can’t wait to see him knock the hell out of his challenger whoever it will be. I’m still smiling remembering the night that failed fat one was planning on breaking some glass ceiling or whatever was in that pea brain. Instead Trump sent her home crying and her followers still have tears. That is not tears of sadness but gladness here. Funny stuff. Come on man, jump in while the water is warm. Trump/Pence 2020!

    3. The secret service makes that call not the president.

    4. Sorry 1:59. There are just as many Republican governors calling out the National Guard tonight as Democratic Governors.

    5. 4:17 Yea and they’re all too fn late now aren’t they?

  3. The world is certainly not laughing at Democrats. And I really don’t think the world is laughing at all. They are just amazed that the great United States of America has so suddenly fallen into such economic, political and racial turmoil. Pretty sad actually.

  4. 159 please name me 1 POTUS who has ever launched a rocket. Ill wait. Lol

  5. Democrats are In On It with Antifa & all the criminals , to make
    Trump loose the election , just like they were also behind & with China
    on the Virus , to make Trump loose the election 2020 !!!

    Wonder what they will try next ??? to get Trump to loose election ???

  6. Democrats are in with Russia, CHINA, and Antifa. ANYTHING AGAINST AMERICA DEMOCRATS ARE ALL IN.

  7. Pelosi is Loving it !!! Just waiting for Trump to make ONE mistake !!!!

  8. Launched a rocket? Yeah, he does try to take credit for everything.

  9. Democrats are inciting the riots & enjoy watching to see if they make
    Trump loose the election 2020 !!!

    No more $$$$ for Americans being voted on either for weeks !!!


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