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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Thank God It's Friday 6-19-20

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Hopefully getting a burger and some suds from a local establishment (West OC..On the East side of Route 50..coughJOEcough)

    Staying on the bayside where its safe, quiet and zippy crowd. Except fellow boaters.


  2. Just trying to survive..

  3. Family Father's Day fun. Good food, good drink, good folks.

  4. Gonna watch the real world Hunger Games on Saturday night in Tulsa. Once the Antifa terrorists confront the MAGA patriots you’re gonna see some real sparks fly. The soy boys are going to realize MAGA patriots won’t take it easy on them like the police in their liberal cities. Got my popcorn ready.

  5. Cleaning my guns

  6. I won't be going to the boardwalk.

  7. Not getting shot in OC MD!!

  8. Pondering why left wing hate bias has become so popular. Black on white crime is at an all time high.
    If the cops would just stand down, Americans could clean up a lot of the problems.
    It’s pretty clear they deliberately want mayhem, violence and war.
    It is mostly spurred by racist hateful blacks but many gullible whites have been fooled by the propaganda too.
    The global Socialists/communists can’t beat the capitalist system or provide opportunities or better quality of life for more people the way we do.
    They have to resort to supporting and instigating internal terror whenever they can use or [capitalize] on a social event or tragedy.

    Silent majority better be ready.

    1. Give us patriots a free pass for one month to clean this shit up and rid this country of the worthless scum that is ruining it for all.

  9. You know 849..I really didn't put 2+2 there. 20K folks getting into a stadium...knowing there will be more outside. THEN those 20K folks have to come outside when its over.

    My oh my....and national TV coverage too!!! Focus will be there and nowhere else.

    Hmmmm...should be a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat Saturday Night on the Boardwalk RICKIE! Pray for rain bub...Pray for rain!

  10. Going to closing on 15 wooded acres beside a stream in West Virginia. We’re going to build a modest log home and retire there in 5 years. Hunting, fishing and peace and quiet. It’s beautiful there and we can hardly wait to leave all the CRAP behind.

    1. Be sure you buy all the licenses and permits

  11. Off topic but another display of the low class running the city's FB pate. They are truly a freak squad. haven't an intelligent thought in their pervert crude low class and vulgar minds to be able to answer a question with class
    If Day were raised with a drop of moral blood in his body he would be ashamed of himself on what he created

    Melissa Martin Malone Will all businesses on broad st have to change their addresses with this new street naming?

    City of Salisbury, Maryland Melissa Martin Malone no silly goose! 😋 Thats not how ceremonial street namings work. We have been doing dozens of these around the city. Haven’t see you ask this question until now. What gives? 🤔

    Melissa Martin Malone City of Salisbury, Maryland really sad how city staff answer questions to citizens. I did not know that it was a ceremonial street name and wondered how this might effect the cost of businesses having to make the change. Take the chip off your shoulder and stop being so defensive.

    1. 10:12. I thought the same thing. It’s like a 15 year old girl is running their FB. Completely unprofessional. They would never make it in the private sector.

  12. LOL so just posted a comment about the unprofessionalism of the wastes of air on the city staff and how they response to questions on FB and good thing I documented it for all to see because they deleted it

  13. hitting the boardwalk for some nice scenery

  14. Start off the afternoon at Goin Nuts for a beer or three on the patio, finish off tonight at Village Inn for dinner special! Tomorrow and Sunday cold beer and steaks / chicken / burgers on the grill on our patio if rain holds off!!!

  15. I would like to say the unprofessionaism of the City of Salisbury MD is unbelievable but it's not. You have a mayor who has always been a loser his whole life. Excels only at lying He claims to be so not a racist and all inclusive but his admin is as white as a KKK rally. Hate filled miserable lesbians who have't ever done a positive thing in their wasted lives and think it's cute and clever to represent the city on it's official FB page like it's their own.

  16. Gonna watch a Many Clay Targets Explode and Enjoy Handgun Fun ...and So it Is ..still need that 'Dont Tread on me" T shurt !

  17. 10:54 A 15 year old would do a better job and be able to answer people's questions like a civilized person. They think it's cute to try and show their a$$es but only serves to show they are no able to handle their job.

  18. So is the street address Broad Street or Black Lives Matter Street? As members of the Wicomico Presbyterian Church, 129 Broad Street, I believe we need an answer?

  19. Hows come Juneteenth is now being talked about on LameStream Media?

    Hows come Juneteenth was not known by most?


    1. It will be a banner year for Kwanzaa.

    2. New fake "holiday" to placate the crowd.

  20. It's still Broad Street, which seems not to be a problem with feminists yet.
    The BLM sign will sit below the Broad sign, ready for defacing by somebody wanting to start a fight.

    You guys and broads get it?

  21. What the Hell can you do without being miserable?

  22. Here is one of the comments that City of Salisbury, Maryland left up on their BLM BLVD. fb post (from a fake account, no less!). "If anyone wants to get doxxed, go ahead and post some ignorant shit"... P.S.- check out the 3 likes that he got, you might see a familiar name? If the City of Salisbury, Maryland wants to be taken seriously, then that kind of nonsense needs to stop! You are supposed to represent all of your citizens, not just the crowd that you hang with...

  23. I’d like to see how many of my SJW “friends” said anything about Juneteenth last year on Facebook. I guarantee you that NOBODY posted about it! That right there is hypocrisy and virtue signaling.

  24. 4:20 saw that---
    Joseph Henry If anyone wants to get doxxed, go ahead and post some ignorant shit.
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    · Reply · 19h"

    What a city. What a nice place to live. City officials allow people to threaten others on their own page. But again to be expected by people who are of a lower class vulgar and crude.

  25. I don't mind Juneteeth being a national holiday and I also don't mind African Americans having streets, parks, etc named for them. I love the idea. What I do mind is the white wokes and white sjw making the decisions for African Americans like they always do in Salisbury. That is racism. They are so busy trying to prove they aren't racists that their racism comes out. At yesterday's unveiling the lesbian made it all about her. She should have had black leaders speaking. One black man the artist spoke was all Then when it came time to unveil a white man did it! Where was Councilwoman April Jackson? She should have been included and should have unveiled. This was supposed to be about local blacks and their history and not about a lesbian trying to prove to all she's not racist.

  26. The threatening comment on Salisbury's government FB page was liked by: Ben Rayne, Lynn Sande and Thomas Glanz.

  27. Lynn Sande works in the county executives office.


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