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Sunday, June 21, 2020

REVEALED: Rayshard Brooks Struggled with Police, Stole Their Taser, Shot It At Police, Likely Because He Didn’t Want to Go to Prison Based on Prior Record

The man who shot at police with a taser he stole from the police and then was shot dead by the police may not be the saint the mainstream media is attempting to make him out to be.

Not only did Rayshard Brooks get in a struggle with police, steal their taser, run from the police and shoot the taser at the police, he was likely running due to the high risk that he would be going to prison based on his prior record.

The mainstream media attempted to shine a positive light on Rayshard Brooks, who was gunned down in Atlanta a few days ago. CBS began their piece on Brooks by reporting:


  1. DA said Mr. Brooks was “mildly impaired”; he was .108. Again, a case where DA overcharged the cop. I am not an attorney but this in no way is felony murder.

  2. And now they are ARRESTING the officers.

  3. The truth doesn't matter anymore with anything.

  4. DUH!! But they continue with their criminal behavior. Never seem to learn. Yet on TV today they make this thug out to be a victim. He isn't a victim. He's a thug who fought cops. Now he's Dead. If he didn't fight, steal, attempt to taze a cop in the face. He'd be alive.. FACT. The cops did their job. Thug is Dead. PERIOD.

    1. Your comments are thuggish he/she... Real thugs would of murdered you and the police... No1 stated that he was right for fighting with the police and running off aiming the tazer ... Physiologically this is what the outcome is for not correcting the bias law enforcement... And Yes you have your opinion... You thug using your thuggish words

    2. He was right to fight police?? You sound so idiotic. I'm drunk. I'm hungry. Go to Wendy's. Got caught drunk driving. Fight police. Assault Police.Steal tazer. Run from police. Turn to taze police in the face. DEAD. Does that help in your NARRATIVE?? Does that help your support of the DEAD CRIMINAL?? It was his right to die too. IDIOT.

    3. 5:17 Please stop. You’re exposing your ignorance🙄

  5. And so it begins. They just charged one officer with THREE Felony Murder charges, and the other cop TURNED on his partner, and is helping the state convict his partner!!! It's just gonna get worse.

  6. And yet the cop that shot him was just charged with murder. Insane!

  7. The cops got charged with murder and are being held with no bond.

  8. View on your phone to avoid the hundreds of pop ups for this site.

  9. When are people going to learn to not resist. When are people going to learn their lesson. If he was afraid of going back to prison then don't break the law. It's real simple.
    The officer will not be found guilty of murder. I called Ferguson officer, Zimmerman, the Innocent Baltimore 6 and other not so publicized cases where officers have been charged. I also called Casey Anthony.
    What this is going to hinge on is just how quick the fatal shots were fired after Brooks activated the taser.
    Keep in mind is just a week or so before several officers of that department were either fired or on suspension (I can't remember which) for using tasers on rioters. The department ruled that tasers were deadly weapons and should not have been used.

    1. They NEVER learn. They are taught to be disrespectful.

  10. Record of child abuse.

  11. This is what you all wanted and now you got it.

  12. So the bad guy forcibly removed a taser from the officer. This taser is the type that can fire twice. It’s unclear to me whether or not it has been fired twice but we know it was fired once at the officer. This means that the officer had every reason to believe it could be fired a second time at him. Deadly force was justified and used in a manner consistent with law and agency policy yet both officers were thrown under the bus due to the current events. Now we don’t know what the rules are. Do we defend ourselves? Can we still be proactive? Are we expected to let criminals go if the crime doesn’t fit the “serious crime” criteria laid out by liberal talking heads? No. We can all expect the “Ferguson Effect” to be on steroids from here on. I will not subject myself to criminal prosecution for doing my job. So from here on it will be answer my calls for service and do just enough to get by. Maybe when society degrades to the point that the good neighborhoods become shitholes the good people will stand up to the bullying by liberal politicians and take this nation back. Until then........?????????

  13. Question:

    Were they real police officers, or crisis actors?
    Is Rayshon really dead?

    George Lynch is alive and lives in Texas.
    The cop in jail is not the same guy that had his knee on Lynch
    He is 6 inches too short and the face looks totally different

    Time to do some searching for answers

  14. For the sake of argument, the second officer has been charged with aggravated assault and two other charges. That is so insane!!
    Brooks violently resisted arrest. All he did was legally try to help subdue him while he was under arrest. Nothing more. Brooks grabbed his taser and stole it. That was the most obvious of all things that happened.

  15. EVERY cop should be afraid.

    And, I'm sorry to say that. SAD to say that. There ARE some power-crazy, power-tripping, and overbearing cops who cannot wait to beat citizens, just to show them who's the boss (I've SEEN them in action).
    But we absolutely NEED the police. They ARE the ones who put themselves on the line to keep society civil and to stop chaos from reigning supreme.
    I wouldn't want that job.

    BUT, when they tell you that you are under arrest, or WHATEVER command they give you, they are LEGALLY empowered to do so.

    SOME PEOPLE think that is debatable and want to argue, fight, or even attack the police.
    It REALLY pisses me off when SOME PEOPLE get shot doing that and then complain about it.
    It makes me even more angry when the cop gets fired for shooting a man who fights them and takes their weapon and POINTS IT AT THEM!
    As a child, my parents warned us to NEVER touch a cop for ANY reason (not even pat them on the arm, like they are your friend) and to be calm and polite when speaking with them. If you didn't, they said, you may get beaten or killed and that was the result of YOUR stupidity, not the cop.
    I don't call the police. EVER. I don't live a life that might require that and I stay away from people and places where reasons to call the cops are ever-present.
    But resisting them? Fighting them? Pointing weapons at them?
    If you get killed doing any of that, I PRAISE the police.
    Quit defending thugs, gangsters, losers, wife-beaters, felons, drug dealers, and low-life's who get killed doing exactly what (supposedly) their parents so righteously claim they warned them NOT TO DO. You know, the (supposed) lecture black mothers give their black sons about interacting with the Man??
    Apparently, not many of them listen too well.
    You keep cheering chaos and that's exactly what you people are gonna get.

  16. Those six officers were charged with "assault with a deadly weapon." If you are talking about the cops who pulled the university students out of the car and tased them. And yet now they say that the officer didn't have to shoot Rayshard as it was "just a taser." Typical Democratic hypocrisy.

  17. The useless bastard had been serving a seven year sentence for felony child abuse, but was let go early because of the Wuhan virus.

    Let that sink in.

  18. Why do you shoot the guy in the back after all that has just happened? That's just insane.

    1. He turned back to fire at the police as he was running away. That’s why he was shot in the back.

    2. He turned and was shooting over his shoulder. His back was always facing the officers.

  19. The dude was running away, shot in the back. Executed without judge or jury. Did that punishment fit the crime?

    1. 8:38. He was firing a weapon as his back was turned. That’s why he was shot in the back.

    2. uh....there is .due processJune 18, 2020 at 5:32 AM

      The officers lawyer stated the officer heard a gun shot....saw the muzzle flash of th taser, and fired his weapon...

  20. What I don't understand is how come all the years I 've watched cop shows I 've seen cops in way worse situations live and videoed and these cops muster up the strength to take down criminals without killing them. Say what you want. the taser charge missed the cop. he put away his other taser and retrieved his gun knowing the man was no longer armed and was intoxicated, then after he shot him and watched him die, he kicks him. now that s professional and w/in code?

    1. This is in real time and the monster fired the dangerous deadly weapon with in 20 feet of the tazer range and the officer who just got beat up returned fire in REAL TIME. It’s a good shooting in any agency.

      The prosecutor felt the need to lie during the press hearing to fluff the case. The same prosecutor considered a tazer as a dangerous deadly weapon a month ago... you hate cops cool and you won, congrats. 100s will be getting arrested in weeks to come.

    2. 11:30
      Thank you for being truthful
      I won
      Cops are bad actors

    3. not when the taser clearly missed the cop and he took the time to put away his taser which he could have used, pull his service weapon shoot, kill, not even check for a pulse, and kick the perpetrator. cops shows are taped real time and replayed just like this situation and this one will be used as a what not to do as a officer training video

  21. 856 reform, defunding and arrest are happening so what are you complaining about? Victims families are becoming over night millionaires Baltimore just cut overtime almost completely out and Atlanta is doing pay cuts across the boards on police only. Why are you complaining?

  22. And the cop is headed to prison for murdering the man. The dope did not meed to shoot and clearly did so out of malice. Commonsense says you could have let him run; you still had all his info, his car, and Im sure plenty of his personal valuables left in the car. Glad we have the video to show where these cops act out based on anger, not fear for their lives

  23. Guilty before proven innocent.

    This TV show is getting stale since the regular rules are changed for the minority.

    United States of America no longer applies.

  24. I can hardly stand it when I hear "they should have got him later".

    Have you seen this guy's prior record??

    It doesn't matter if the cops knew about it or not..."getting him later" might mean that he knows the police are coming and so he carjacks a car down the street and kills or injures ANOTHER person (this man was NOT Martin Luther King, preaching peace and love).
    Yes, he turned around to shoot. The police should wait until he completely faces them before they react?? You cannot be that stupid.
    Anyone who is on this site regularly KNOWS how badly I criticize the police. They are NOT the police I grew up knowing and respecting. BUT, it's always been true -- don't do stupid, dumb, violent BS when interacting with them and you PROBABLY won't die.
    Being black didn't get him killed. Being very stupid did.
    I know that is not the narrative you're buying into, however.

    We don't pay the police to "get them later" and there's a VERY GOOD REASON for that. If they tried to "get him later" and your mom was killed in the interim, YOU would be screaming, "why didn't they get him when they had him the first time? Who's gonna pay me for losing my momma!!?" All the police had to do was their job!!".
    Keep cheering.

    I'm buying MORE ammunition TODAY. The jungle is quickly approaching civilization.

  25. Simple > Follow Police orders & You don't get Hurt !!! Period

    Like civilized people do !!! He brought it on Himself, like many others

    Blaming the Whites for what these types do , their OWN fault !!!


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