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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Snap, Crackle, Pop' Determined To Be Racist

Fiona Onasanya, a Black Lives Matter activist and former member of the UK parliament, claims that Kellogg’s Rice Krispies is a racist cereal because it has “three white boys” as mascots.

Now that’s “systemic racism”!

If Ms. Onasanya had stopped there, she would simply be dismissed as a fool and that would have been that. But. in her eagerness to prove racism, Onasanya doubled down on her charge and, in the process, proved she is an ignorant fool.



  1. What about Count Chocula?

  2. Many blacks are walking away from BLM. It has become a well funded militant group that is and will be forever synonymous with destruction mostly in black neighborhoods and even more death within black communities.
    They give nothing to black communities. They make a mess of things and leave. They have no solutions and create racial tension where there was never any before.

  3. Milk is Racist.

  4. Chocolate Milk is Racist.


  5. Sweet, sweet Karma!

    The name Fiona is a girl's name of Gaelic, Scottish origin meaning "white, fair".

    So she and her parents are felony level cultural appropriators.

    Best laugh of the day!

  6. Trix are for kids,,pedophiles

  7. I wonder how close corn flakes are to snow flakes

  8. Lucky charms leprechaun is homophobic with his magic wand

  9. What's next, tearing down Little Debbie's statue?

  10. Uhhh...which one? Is it SNAP? I've always had my suspicions about him...or is it CRACKLE?? Hmmmm, he's kinda shady....Oh yeah....Yer talking about POP aren't ya? Yep, I knew that bastard was the one!!! I say we "Hang him!!!

  11. All crackers have to be renamed. It’s racist, a slur. I’m offended!

  12. Don't people like this realize they are making a mockery of the cause they claim to believe in and distracting from the actual issues?!

  13. Those who don't like AMERICA > YOU CAN LEAVE !!!! See YA !!!

    WE Not changing every damn thing all the crybabies wine over !!!!

    Get a LIFE & get over yourself !!!!

    1. Sounds good. But until the REPUBLICAN TRAITORS we have in Congress begin to help President Trump fight. They will get everything they whine about.

  14. Weak generations in America are Ruining the country !!!!

    Old school who are still alive better wake up & take America Back !!!!


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