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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Cops Now Being Hit With 2020 'Blue Flu' Pandemic

Need a Cop Atlanta? Shoulda Thought About That Earlier.

Police in the United States have been under siege for almost a month now because of one very bad cop in Minneapolis. Men and women who risk their lives every time they go to work are being painted with a broad brush, being portrayed as plagued by systemic racism and routinely abusing power. That, after all, is the justification for all the rioting and looting the last three weeks.

Yes, the are bad cops out there. There are bad people in every profession. Human beings are a messy bunch and some of us are just plain evil. Most of us aren’t though. This collective guilt nonsense that we’re being told we must believe in to be better people is absurd.



  1. Dems...u made your bed. You will sleep in it until the end.

    Don't run and hide like you always do.

  2. Stop writing tickets and defund the city

  3. Forget the "BLUE FLU" that could result in discipline action. The Politians would still have their armed protection.

    Just resign and let the Politians what it is like not to have this special armed protection that they refuse the normal public.

  4. You want to know who are heroes ? I'm gonna tell you , my heroes are cops , not doctors and nurses who did their job at the covid19 . My heroes are the military who gave up their lives or were wounded . Cops protect you day and night people , get rid of them and you are done , not me , I will take care of my family and myself.
    This BS about this virus has to stop now , this BS about BLM has to stop now .
    If you get on their bandwagon you are done too , wake up people election time is just around the corner and walmart still sells ammo.

    1. Well after Walmart have 100K to blm, I won’t buy ammo or anything else there. Mr. Sam would roll over in his grave

    2. You'll be there tomorrow 11:10 because you can buy china made products cheaper than made in the U.S.A.

  5. Can’t blame the cops. Screw the politicians!


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