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Monday, June 08, 2020

Philly News Editor Ousted After Daring To Question Legitimacy Of Burning The City's Buildings Down

Stan Wischnowski, the lead editor of The Philadelphia Inquirer, resigned on Saturday over a headline (dated June 2) titled"Buildings Matter, Too," which detailed the destructive nature of social unrest on the city's local economy over the police killing of unarmed black man George Floyd, reported The New York Times.

The headline drew immediate backlash from readers and staffers. The Inquirer issued an apology for a "horribly wrong" decision to publish the headline about looting and burning down buildings on the margins of protests. In its apology piece, The Inquirer said:

"The Philadelphia Inquirer published a headline in Tuesday's edition that was deeply offensive. We should not have printed it. We're sorry, and regret that we did. We also know that an apology on its own is not sufficient.

"The headline accompanied a story on the future of Philadelphia's buildings and civic infrastructure in the aftermath of this week's protests. The headline offensively riffed on the Black Lives Matter movement and suggested an equivalence between the loss of buildings and the lives of black Americans. That is unacceptable."

The apology also said the comparison between the destruction of private/public property and the lives of black folks was not intended.

"While no such comparison was intended, intent is ultimately irrelevant. An editor's attempt to capture a columnist's nuanced argument in a few words went horribly wrong, and the resulting hurt and anger are plain."



  1. this is the gist of this whole leftist movement you can no longer hurt anybody's feelings, can no longer criticize anybody, you can no longer accuse anybody of being sinful! everybody's behavior is acceptable. Anyone who stands for rightousness is instantly ruined. Anyone who dares speak against this activity is labeled a bigot or racist a hateful sick person. When in fact those who go against God's word and truth are the real haters, vile sick hateful bigots. The luciferians are running this show, but the lies and Deceit are failing.
    And it scares me what they will try next.

  2. Ahhhhh, eating their own.

  3. Don't care. He's finally getting a taste of Truth. He thought hie libutard mindset was above ridicule. Well the left hates all facts against their FALSE NARRATIVE.

  4. Burn down buildings and businesses, even those buildings owned or operated by their friends and supporters.
    No problem.

    TALKING about it, however, is quite serious.

    Keep cheering.

  5. Another communist...TRUMP 2020


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