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Monday, June 08, 2020

Operation 'Occupy White House' Enters Final Act

On any given day I vacillate between thinking The Davos Crowd is in desperation mode or believes they’ve got this and can ride the chaos unleashed to their preferred future.

And, sadly, men like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are the ones picked to help us stop them. The White House has been a target since they lost control of it in November 2016.

Brexit has been attacked mercilessly since the June 2016 vote. The acceleration of the populist revolt against this future has, in turn, accelerated their plans to cancel national sovereignty, square the circles of projects like the European Union and activate their shock troops to openly attack the foundations of society.

We’ve all been breathlessly watching this on our iPhones for the past week.

Starting with the operation to lock people in their homes over a cold, they then denied the effectiveness of a cure which was easily found through research into SARS.

The cure was immediately politicized and marginalized by a now retracted study to radicalize people who weren’t thinking clearly.

Their hatred for Donald Trump was so all-consuming they wanted to believe the discredited Lancet Study without actually reading it or asking basic questions like why would people in power be so against a potential cure?

The social distancing, lock downs and mask-wearing short circuited people’s sanity and put them into hyper-emotional states, making them susceptible to a much more insidious virus, that of the mind.

Those who fell for this continue to defend mask-wearing even though the virus has burned out, masks only make healthy people hypoxic, and the cure for COVID-19 is cheap and effective.

Why? Because they are invested in their position emotionally, not logically.

Just like the looting and rioting over George Floyd. As I said in previous articles, no one disagrees about the death of George Floyd. There aren’t ‘Two movies here.” So what is really going on?

Bringing those two operations together into one meme we get this.'



  1. Awesome article spot on one demovrat phyc failure after another..TRUMP 2020 BABY.
    BLM shot themselves in the foot and burnt down their own hoods. Wanna fix democrats stupidty. Vote TRUMP 2020.The left is DOA but the snowflakes are too dumb to see it

  2. Well said. I agree totally. But what do I do now?

    1. You lock and load. Make sure you get a plan to keep your family safe. It's going to end. But it's going to be bad. These libutard dumocrats have no limits. They don't have any filters.

  3. Quick sale on tin foil aisle 4!

    1. Tinfoil?? Showing your age and how clueless you are with that Asinine phrase.

  4. Thank you for sharing!

  5. You mean pussyhat.


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