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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Officers Injured, Arrest Made During Violent Demonstration outside RPD HQ


  1. ACAB means "all cops are bastards". That means Antifa. and communists.

    If anyone sees ACAB spray painted in Salisbury, report it to the police.

  2. Liberal Socialist Democrats are allowing this to happen now. Lets see what happens after the election.

  3. State of Virginia was the site of the first American Revolution and now it appears they will be the center of the second American Revolution.

    LOCK and LOAD it is here.

  4. I hope the MLK statue in DC isn’t vandalized...

  5. there is no BLM master leading this. It seems each city wants something different. With Seattle telling whites to get to the back of the protest line I think we are seeing the true intentions. We need to shut this circus down as it is getting out of control. The democrats are only trying to get the black vote back after trump liberated them to jobs and higher wages with historically low unemployment.


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