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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

China is reporting the biggest coronavirus outbreak it has seen in two months

A huge market in Beijing is the source of a cluster of new infections.

China reported on Sunday that the country had 57 new confirmed cases of coronavirus as of midnight on Saturday — the highest number of infections it has reported in two months.

The spike in cases — which appear to have originated in a wholesale food market in Beijing — has caused Chinese authorities to selectively lock down at-risk areas, highlighting how countries seeking a return to normalcy after reducing transmission of the virus are still at risk of new outbreaks.

For nearly two months, there had been almost no new cases of coronavirus reported in Beijing. But on Friday, one new case was reported, a number that rose dramatically on Saturday.

Contact tracing suggests that the cases originated at Xinfadi, one of the largest food markets in Asia. How the coronavirus arrived at Xinfadi is unclear; however, government officials have begun to attribute the new infections to foreign travelers.

“Our preliminary assessment is the virus came from overseas,” Yang Peng, a government epidemiologist, told state media, according to Reuters. “We still can’t determine how it got here. It might’ve been on contaminated seafood or meat, or spread from the feces of people inside the market.”



  1. It doesn't go away either until there is an antidote.

    Which takes time to produce.

  2. And tell me that the dumbocrat aren't working with the communist Chinese.

  3. Can you believe anything China saysor the media or the government

  4. Definitely Trump's fault. He was spotted in disguise selling aardvark parts in the market.

  5. 8:42 he was quoted as saying "if we stopped testing cases would go down dramatically" no shit sherlock.

  6. 8:45 - Check your source. That's not what he said. ""If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, actually."

  7. Antidotes are for poisons...

  8. 909 thank you Mr. WordSmith.

  9. i will not be getting any vaccine. Not the flu shot either.

  10. Who cares?? I wouldn't believe anything coming out of CHINA.

  11. 909 your are dealing with people on here trying to be Antidopes, but failing.

  12. More fear porn from the Chinese...who cares...I sure don't!!! consider the source. They LIE Continually. Get It???


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