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Friday, June 26, 2020

Oakland Abolishes School Police Department

The Oakland Unified School District abolished its own police force at a school board meeting on Wednesday night, bowing to the wishes of radical left-wing activists and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The decision came a day after the Los Angeles Unified School District board could not agree on a similar proposal. It follows nationwide demands from activists, including many Democrats, to defund or abolish the police.



  1. The first few beatings, shootings and stabbings of staff and faculty may change their minds.

  2. 25 months ago they wanted more cops in schools.

  3. This will not go well.

  4. good for them wont be long

  5. Can you imagine no police presence in Bennett?

  6. So common sense tells us that people will not apply for employment for law enforcement. Good luck with hiring teachers and keeping them if the animals are left to rule the schools

  7. Can you imagine if schools open this fall

  8. Schools will not open again until 2021. Hogan just gave 50 million to a district for computers. Good sign he has no plans on opening

    1. MD schools "WILL" open in September 2020 9:24


  9. Oakland, CA. Not a bright bunch.

    They have cops in the schools they run because there was a demonstrated need for them to protect students, teachers, staff, and they created the school cops to keep it at a manageable level.

    So now the kids are little angels? Great!

    Or they are just knee-jerk cowards. The price for their action will be paid by injured students, and teachers. Trial lawyers suing for the injured and dead will make much more than the school cops cost. Really a foolish move.

  10. Police presence in schools is needed more now than ever. Oakland's school board is ready to be responsible for the outcome?

  11. You have a pretty messed up way of seeing things. God forgive you.

  12. Teachers will be quitting in droves.

  13. Wake up folks.
    They are dismantling the police systems and all protections so they can create absolute chaos for Caucasian people. Those children will be attacked in those schools. Possibly murdered.

    We cannot allow them to dismantle police
    And we need to DEMAND that our police protect the public

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Good intentions without considering consequences. All based on emotions. What could possibly go wrong?

  15. i don't think the schools will be opening, teachers are now taking classed on how to do better with distance learning. This would not be happening if they intended to reopen the schools. Then the issue comes in what will parents that work do with those children at home for home schooling on computers while the parents have to return to work?

    1. 5:16 - you are correct about this. I believe Gov. Hogan just released money for more technology/laptops - I don’t think he would have done so if he thought the schools would open in the fall.


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