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Friday, June 26, 2020

Laura Ingraham on far-left violence: 'Democrats have created a monster that escaped the lab'

Laura Ingraham blasted the leadership of the Democratic Party in her "Angle" monologue Wednesday night, saying they "have created a monster."

"We told you that they saw the coronavirus as a political opportunity to exploit, not a medical issue to manage," the "Ingraham Angle" host said. "When vote by mail and the Green New Deal recovery proposal started to resurface, it was obvious where all of this was going.

"What we didn't realize, however, was how far they can take things," Ingraham went on. "Welcome to the Summer of Love."

Ingraham then turned to the Tuesday night chaos in Madison, Wis., where protesters tore down a statue of a famed abolitionist and attacked State Senator Tim Carpenter, who Ingraham described as "an extremely liberal Democrat," for recording a demonstration.

"He was literally mugged by reality," Ingraham said of Carpenter.



  1. Throw ALL Democrats OUT of Power & Office 2020 !!!! MAGA

    1. Only gonna happen if WE ALL vote, and drag everybody we know with us!

  2. Voting?


    You can't be serious. After this craziness, you want to vote someone in / out of office? The police are standing down in OC for crying out loud so thugs and gang bangers can attack people. The governments both state and federal are standing down as public property is destroyed in broad daylight.

    You go vote.

  3. Actually it's time for Patriots to begin protesting. Start with burning the college's.

  4. 12:37 must be the author of



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