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Monday, June 01, 2020

NYPD cops take a knee beside protesters in solidarity

Just hours after violent protests over the death of George Floyd rocked the city leading to hundreds of arrests, NYPD officers in Queens and later, in Manhattan, took a knee beside demonstrators on Sunday.

Video posted on Facebook shows at least three officers kneeling in the street at the intersection of Jamaica Avenue and 165th Street around noon as protesters cheer them on and thank them.

The cops, with heads bowed, then joined in on a reading of the names of black men and women who have died at the hands of police.

Protesters and the officers could then be seen shaking hands and hugging.



  1. NYPD wearing white shirts are the supervising officials of their respective staffs. When you see them, they are in charge of their force. They have many years of experience and normally are not seen.

    Interesting times indeed!

  2. Commuism is really getting a foothold with this reinventing history norms attitudes and dictates. Beware this is no longer about race. Its about control and how much can be shoved in before the dam really breaks.

  3. Ordered by the Mayor to humiliate themselves and handover their power to ANTIFA... cowards

  4. Must be diblasio lovers.

  5. 9:18 a true sign of solidarity you won't see on most news stations. Lots of police are marching alongside protesters, sometimes using patrol cars at the front and back of the protests.

  6. The most cowardly act by police in history. More White's making FOOL'S of themselves thinking making FOOL'S of themselves will make a statement. It does. YOU'RE FOOL'S.

  7. PATHETIC, We all think it was wrong what happened BUT it was found out he died from other issues Drugs in his system and medical issues NOW do I believe it was a contributing factor YES but ANTIFA BLM BLACK PANTHER couldn't care less they are PAIN ANARCHISTS BY SOROS and until the "Peaceful" Protesters take down the Rioters NOTHING will be done

  8. Disgraceful!! Definitely not your grandfather's Police department.

  9. Smart move. Psychology is much better than force, but it might backfire on them.

  10. Bow to your 🌈 NYC Mayor.

  11. This is ridiculous.


  12. How stupid is that? Obviously the Brass, forced to kneel in concurrence with the idea that cops just routinely slaughter people of a certain hue they come in contact with.

    And did it make the rioters less riotous?

    Round them up. Off the streets. Of course with NY's new no jail. no bail process they can be back in action as soon as they are released.

    So have the Feds grab them upon release for violating the civil rights of the rest of us. Then slow walk the processing, and you'll have names, faces, prints to work from down the road.

  13. Trust me the street cops are saying 🖕 to the mayor's Sgt lt or Capt that does this.

  14. Shows Weakness !!! Not the right thing to do !!! kneeling goes too Far

  15. NYPD has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits going way back to the eighties, and this is what you end up with in, now in charge! to damn funny! maybe they should just hand over their badges and guns? They just want to keep their paychecks!


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