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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Nolte: The Left’s Eating Itself. Let them Fight.

Last weekend hundreds of people came out in my little town to protest the tragic death of George Floyd. This protest took place less than three miles from my house. Want to know how I found out about it? Well, because it was perfectly peaceful and didn’t involve firebombs and rioting, I found out about it four days later in my local paper.

Hundreds came out in my little town! Hundreds. It was mostly students from the Alma Mater I dropped out of, but still… Hundreds! And not a peep of unrest. Just Americans being Americans.

You see, that’s how we roll out here in Rural America. While the stupid Democrats who vote for Democrats stress and worry about another round of looting and burning this weekend in their Democrat-run cities, all I’m worried about is the weather. I got grass to cut … on my tractor mower … the one with the bourgeois cup holder.

If Democrats want to riot in Democrat-run cities, what the hell do I care? How does this affect me? I’m not responsible for it. I didn’t vote for it. Hell, if it weren’t for my job, I’d hardly be paying attention.

Blue on blue violence is not my problem. The left eating itself is not my problem. In fact, the only feeling all this mayhem emits from me — and I’m not terribly proud of this — is a twinge of smug satisfaction in the form of Toldjaso.



  1. Never stop the enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves


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