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Saturday, June 06, 2020

BREAKING: St. Louis Police Release Images of 7 Looters who Murdered Retired Police Captain David Dorn

Retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn was murdered on Monday night outside of Lee’s Pawn and Jewelry in North St. Louis City.

The looters then broke in the store and looted it as dozens of cars drove by on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive.

David Dorn was 77-years-old when he was gunned down by looters.

He lay outside the store bleeding as his death was captured on Facebook Live.



  1. Their time on the loose won't be long.

  2. Where is the outrage from BLM!! Oh that's right!! Doesn't fit the narrative.. Disgusting. All Lives Matter

  3. That's obviously not going to catch much attention because it's black on black crime. It's only an outrage if it were white people under investigation. If a white person kills a black person it's because they're privileged and racist. Couldn't possibly be because they're trash. I'm ready for two separate American nations. One with values, the constitution, civility, people who actually work, and a basic level of respect for everyone. The other can be the new socialist America with no 'evil' law enforcement...we can all sit back and watch how that goes.

    1. We already have the two separate American nations that you are ready for 7:39

  4. Bubba is a waiting

  5. The only privilege that exists is black thug privilege. They can murder black elderly men and their race lets them get away with it. There are not ever any stop the violence protests or anything When the only way someone values a life is by who the murderer is that is a true sign of how uncivilized some people are-dregs of society. They want equality. Someone who doesn't value all life the same will not ever be equal to me. I am better then you.

  6. His "black lives matter" didn't matter.

  7. Their mothers all know who these people are.

  8. Was one of them the of Virginia Governor with his black face on? I only say this because I’m sure the killers are white being the policeman was black. They should all be charged with his death being they likely killed his very large family too.But he doesn’t count to them because he was a life long working man.

  9. 9:14 you are assuming. It's not uncommon in the ghetto culture for the baby mommas to dump the children off with others so they can run around and make more with other thugs. The baby momma may not know what they look like grown up.


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