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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Votes to Replace Police with ‘Community-Led Public Safety System’

The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously voted a resolution to replace the police with a ‘community-led public safety system.’

Get out while you can!

The radical left is pushing to “defund the police” following the death of George Floyd.

By “defund the police,” the left means replacing the police with Sharia patrol, Black Panthers, La Raza and other anti-Christian, anti-white social justice enforcers.



  1. You would lucky to have a Sharia enforcement brigade as at least you'd know the justice applies equally to all. Most white families are Sharia compliant, it's the blacks and minorities who are not.

    You have no one to blame but white Christians and Christianity itself. Either you have become to weak to defend your way of life or perhaps, just maybe, the incorrect interpretation of your religion in regard to self defense is beginning to manifest itself more clearly.

  2. Lets see how long this crazy talk continues after POTUS pulls every federal dollar away from them.

  3. If I wasn't living in this exact time in history, I wouldn't believe it!

  4. Let'm get their damn money from Antifa or George Soros.

  5. As gun sales to citizens go through the roof......


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