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Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mayor Frey Asks Trump for Help After Minneapolis Rioters Cause Millions in Damage

Mayor Jacob Frey (D) is seeking federal aid to help Minneapolis recover from the protests and riots that have wrecked the area.

“With at least $55 million in estimated damage and far more to come, Minneapolis will need state and federal aid as it attempts to rebuild hundreds of structures after the riots following George Floyd’s death,” Frey explained on Thursday, according to the Star Tribune.

The report continued:

City officials are still putting together a complete tally of the destruction and cautioned that estimates are likely to rise significantly. Gov. Tim Walz and members of Minnesota’s congressional delegation are trying to get government assistance to offset that cost. But in the past, neither the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) nor Congress has consistently sent federal funding to cities ravaged by riots.

In an interview, Frey said he expected the total cost of the damage to be in the “tens, if not hundreds of millions” of dollars across the Twin Cities.



  1. Well now, isn’t that special?

  2. nope. let the people that caused it pay for it

  3. Hell no. Stop paying federal taxes if they give them money. Make the states pay their own way. The liberal states will starve and die off

  4. In other words, they allow this to happen as we watch nothing being done to stop the destruction. Bet as you watched on tv you weren’t thinking it was part of the money you make and government takes from you that pays for others to do as they please.

  5. Stop rewarding failure.

  6. So, after Trump offered support to stop the rioting and support the peaceful protesters, Frey said no. Now he wants you and me to pay for the mess.


  7. Don't even try it libbie.

  8. Since they are going to do away with the police department, they should have plenty of money for this.

  9. πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•Him


  10. SocialistDemocrat state top to bottom. He let rioters burn down the precinct and a new multi floor housing project for poor.

    Would applaud president sending him a link to go fund me. Then all the wealthy celebs and Dem politicians could virtue signal by contributing. Problem solved.

    Suggested late night TV ad: Your monthly donation of enough to buy one shelf of Pelosi's ice cream stash would be enough to buy Kools, weed and meth for a middle aged ex-con. Part with some of your loot for the less fortunate.

  11. On your man bun knees SNOWFLAKE πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

  12. The Democrats allowed this destruction and criticized Trump and now wants the Federal government to rebuild their city / state?

    What a bunch of hypocrites. That is like I am retired but I expect my employer I retired from to keep paying me my salary and benefits.

  13. I'm sorry Mr. Mayor but it looks like you'll have to raise Your taxes to cover Your failure to control Your situation. Just leave everything boarded up until you get enough revenue.

  14. Why does utilizing the federal government have to be phrased as "Asking Trump for help"? Surely you wouldn't phrase it as asking Obummer for help. You're so brainwashed.

  15. lol....the funnies keep rolling in the past few days. You got just what you deserve..smh..mho

  16. Hell no! They tore it up, let them pay for it!! If they had done their job of protecting people and property rather than run and hide you wouldn't have tens of millions in damage!

  17. I'm Mc loving it lol the Democrat chaos .

  18. @1:46 Obama would have already cut the check

  19. Can anyone see where this is headed for Minneapolis? Eliminate the PD and watch your tax base evaporate due to businesses and ppl abandoning the city. It will be a slum hell hole within five years. And they want that horrible entity called President Trump and the Feds to bail them out when all they have done is bash him. You have to admire the hutzpah of the left and their effort to have it both ways.

  20. Mayor Day, I mean Mayor Frye, needs to understand it's just mortar. Leave it.

  21. We knew this was coming.

  22. No. No. No. Use the money you think you'll save to defund the police department. You let your Zoo animals destroy the city. Now watch it stay a waste land.

  23. WTF would President Trump give money to a City that will never be what it was. People are leaving already. Chamber of commerce is non existent. Money to build what?? So you can pay your pocket?? The Democrat way. Democrats destroy and Republicans build. Where's all the Muslim, Jew, and black leader's?? Get them to give you money. You POS have said and done some vile things to President Trump. Now you want money. I hope President Trump tells you to F**K OFF.

  24. Now the government is needed. So it's a two way street when someone is in need.


  25. He handcuffed his PD, let him pay for it.

  26. BULLSHIT,. YOU get nothing.........I say nothing!

  27. Day and Frey, boy mayors

  28. Tell the Mayor to ask BLM and Anafta for the money. After all not only are they responsible for the damage but they have plenty of money. Seeing how they are paid by George Soros. And he pays for the bricks and buses and everything else they need for riots.


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