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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Local Socialism

A friend of mine explained his experience to me last night about how unbelievable it was to finally get out and enjoy a cocktail at an Ocean City Bar. He waited in line to get in. Once inside the establishment he had to get in line for a wrist band. He then had to wait in line to get a drink. He said at that time he shouted out, to all you young kids, how do you like this socialism now! 

While this was his favorite place to go he explained to me, "it just wasn't the same any more" and told the staff he wasn't coming back until things got back to normal. The beach bar wasn't even playing music, he said. 

I then heard that some of the local restaurants aren't even serving hamburgers any more. I explained that the price of ground beef has gone up 250% and even at that you just can't find it anywhere. 

As for the guidelines directed by Governor Hogan, Ocean City got a bye this weekend as there were people directly at the bars sitting on stools, that will change this week. You will not be able to go up to the bar for a drink. You will have to be seated at a table and you will have to be served. The traditional bar/restaurant experience will dramatically change and as my friend mentioned above had already experienced and disliked, wait till things hit the fan this week. 

And don't go pointing fingers at our local officials. I can assure you, they do NOT like what is coming down from the Governors Office. Trust me on this, I know. Now hopefully we go into Stage II this week, especially with the COVID-19 numbers dropping so low. HOWEVER, just remember that ALL bar/restaurants will be limited to 50% of their normal capacity, no standing and the cost of beef, pork and chicken will be very expensive, if you can even get it. Even the cost of crabs are through the roof. Also remember, the J1's are few and far between, if they even come at all. Bartenders will NOT make the tips they are used to as there is no interaction between bartenders and customers. It's a mess.

Business owners will have to sit back and think, is it even worth opening. Extra servers will have to be hired. The cost of goods are up 250% and we're only allowed 50% of our normal seating. 


  1. Thanks SOROS, Gates,WHO,CHINA, democrats. Keep this non sense up ..and the geroge roits will pale in comparsion to an angry white riot

  2. Like I've been saying. If the experience is gonna suck just why would I go?

    I can't be the only one.

  3. I really think Ocean City will have an exceedingly rough year - I can't see any business making money this year. What a mess.

  4. As a Lyft driver in OC, I can tell you every passenger I picked up at an establishment I asked how was everything, and the answer was always the same... Great to get out and actually order a drink, or great to be able to walk on boardwalk and drink. But all Food feedback was either "I wouldn't eat there again, or same old same old, or typical bar apps.

  5. Its just like Hogan doesn’t even care. This virus is clearly not as bad as was originally stated. The data was taken from dubious and unreliable sources. It really is similar to the flu after all. We are all being held hostage for political gain. Open everything up 100%.

    1. Not Hogan’s decision.
      This is a top down operation and everything is compartmentalized so nobody knows the whole story. This is organized by intelligence agencies in collusion with each other world-wide.

    2. It is hogan's decision

    3. 9:30
      Sorry it isn’t

      Can’t you read?

    4. Yes, I can read 2:13. I also read he shut Maryland down and has the authority to open it back up when he sees fit.

  6. I find it odd how so many people need to go out and drink, like why is that such a big deal.

    1. Drinking is a social activity
      People enjoy conversations while drinking alcohol

      Lots of fun especially if one has never done it before (like yourself)

  7. 8:20, It's not all about drinking. It's mostly about socializing. Then there's the part of treating your partner/family to a well deserved meal. You obviously enjoy socialism and sheltering in place. While that is your choice there are far more people who want to get out and reward themselves.

  8. Well the Covid stuff will be in the rearview shortly because it did not work as expected. We will have to shut down the country with riots instead. Do you think it is a coincidence that we have been locked in our homes for 2 months and now they want curfews for something else. When these blow over what excuse will they use to claim they can control our lives?


  9. I see the American Legion here is Salisbury were advertising live MUSIC? A outside dining???? Can't set up a temporary bar???

  10. Meanwhile 1000s gathering in the hotspot of Baltimore and burn down a bank. So far know one sick. Time will tell across nation.

  11. I have 5.56 reasons to welcome anyone who wants to riot at my home anytime!

  12. 8;48 is hitting the mark. Ph 1 remove trump politically.(FAIL)
    Physc op phase 2 Virus,not working (FAIL). ph 3 "keep em seperated" not looking good either,(big FAIL) the frankestien of the progressive/democrats seed money of hate is going off the rails.
    Not looking forward to ph 4, more death and pain for the surfs? (Cant be a school shooting), but i feel more is coming b4 nov.
    Last attempt will involve voter fraud and cheating

    1. Wow okay! That is one convoluted conspiracy theory you’ve got going on! Let’s see all of that works out for you.

  13. Let people keep giving power to socialist Dumbocrats and it will be there new way of life!! Trump / Pence 2020!!!!!

  14. We are already a socialist Country . What is social security, what is the military , and a new on,...welfare for farmers

  15. I'll wait until they allow at least something close to normal.
    If the experience is like sitting in my driveway on a table with a beer in a plastic cup why bother.
    If that's all there is currently I will go to a park and sit on a picnic table with a hot dog before sitting in a restaurant parking lot.

  16. Our local officials need to turn a blind eye to the businesses in this county and let them operate. If they don’t they are complicit with Hogan. They are either with us or against us.

  17. Local Socialism? Ironically this is an exact argument FOR expanded social funding. Had the response been more adequate, or even at par, the number of infected people would be much lower and things would have returned to normal. Had meat processors and food chain employees had access to healthcare, testing and protection they would not be getting sick or laid off.

    I am so, so, sorry your friend had to wait in a line with everyone else what a horrible inconvenience.

  18. It's a superflu, Joe. It's not socialism. Grow up.

  19. The cost of goods going up during a shortage in production is about as capitalist as it gets though..

  20. Everybody knows this guy at the bar and no one wants to get to know this guy at the bar.

  21. Wow you really told those wippersnappers!

  22. Standing in line, social distancing, wearing a wristband, etc isn't "socialism." You have no understanding of what socialism is. These precautions are trying to stop the spread of a virus. They have literally nothing to do with this "socialism" boogeyman you keep pushing. Socialism brought us the New Deal, gave us civic projects like the Hoover Dam, and brought us out of the Great Depression. Just because someone had to wait in line doesn't make it "socialism."

  23. 10:48. Wrong. Also, what makes this virus any different than other...ITS NOT. You are believing the lies. Gullible.

  24. Probably won't get to stage II once the numbers start coming in from all the "new Covid" cases from the protesters. Most people will go back into "lockdown" leaving the streets clear for more protests and rioting and looting.

    1. There will not be a jump in cases due to the protesters not social distancing. Most people have already been exposed.

  25. These Socialism comments are idiotic. Go to true socialist countries. Everyone eats out and drinks in restaurants and bars just like we do. This is about a global virus that doesn’t discriminate between races, political party, or economic status. It does however seem to discriminate based on intelligence.

    1. 12:53
      So you believe the cover story.
      Good for you.

      You failed math in school do you aren’t smart enough to realize when the government is lying to you. Not enough sick or dead to justify the economic shut down. But you wouldn’t know that. You can’t do math.

  26. 8:21am...don't tell me it isn't HOGAN...it's all Hogan...he is responsible for the final decisions made for Maryland and he's done a less than stellar job...he's a politician not a business man and it shows...unfortunately it's destroyed much of our core business infrastructure...never to return again!!! this must stop now. Maryland must completely open with NO restrictions again!!!

  27. 8:30 and Joe,
    There are plenty of people who don't enjoy the bar scene.
    I would rather stay home than hanging out with a crowd so loud that you have to yell to be heard. Plus, you have to listen to all the exaggerating because everyone wants to impress the rest of the crowd. Sheltering in place sounds so peaceful compared to that mess.

  28. Sorry Joe but you are wrong. I’m in the Wicomico area and many private restaurant owners are showing they these crazy rules you’re describing aren’t true. My local spot has packed outdoor seating and allows indoor bar attendance. No masks needed. If these crazy guidelines are you are discussing are real, then it’s only your fault if you follow them. Guidelines are not laws and I’ve seen/heard of many restaurants who are doing just fine by ignoring them. You need to be brave .

  29. 10:05, Nice try but WICOMICO COUNTY is not WORCESTER COUNTY. Very different set of rules.


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