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Sunday, June 07, 2020

D.C. renames street where Trump held bible 'Black Lives Matter Plaza'

"I am so proud to be a Washingtonian and an employee of the District of Columbia Government. Today, Mayor Bowser re-names the street in front of the White House "Black Lives Matter Plaza NW," Ms. Mena said in a post.

"Today was a bold reminder that Black Lives Matter and on DC Streets, directly in front of the White House, we can and will protest loudly and peacefully," she added.



  1. It should have been named black lives matter when killed by a white person or other that suits the communist agenda

  2. LOL they will have this crapped up in no time flat. They always do. I mentioned elsewhere it's common on foreign travel sites where foreign travelers give their opinions and recommendations on where to travel in the US to stay far away from any streets named things like Martin Luther King Dr. This will be added to the list of Do Not visit if you want to remain safe and not robbed or become a victim of a violent crime

  3. We need a CIVIL WAR on Dems.

  4. Uhhh, will that show up on GPS?

  5. Now there needs to be a street name change in front of the FBI building, "Blue Lives Matter".

    1. Pennsylvania Ave should be changed to TRUMP DRIVE

  6. If confederate statues and monuments are considered racist to blacks, I consider this sign racist to me as a white person.

    1. Yes, me too

    2. Please expand on that enlightening comparison.

  7. Blacks

  8. This is a disgrace. It is inflammatory and discrimination. This Democrat Mayor is doing this while removing / taking down monuments representing US History.

    Another step in Democrats supporting the rioting and violence.

    ALL LIVES MATTER is how you get to a resolution not by supporting / glorifying violence and destruction.

  9. Black lives matter, except when aborted.

    1. Agreed. And while we’re at it let’s address the elephant in the room of white Jesus and the systemic racism tied into Christianity

  10. You can’t make this crap up. Just when you see stupid today along comes more tomorrow. Be interesting to see inside of some brain matter. Must be a barrel of laughs in some. Lol

  11. Bet the left won’t give the POTUS credit for it though they be’s doing it because their hatred toward the good man.

  12. What a crock of s**t!!

  13. The blacks of their own worst enemy pull your head out of your ass

  14. Brothers in Chicago and other cities haven’t got the message that BLM.

  15. Must have been planed to have one already printed up. HUMMMMM

  16. That is the most sickening, disgusting thing I have ever heard of. Why do whites keep bowing to their every whim? This is going to get out of hand if we don't rein them in.

  17. I guess we need to rename Baltimore City Dead Negro Square or Chicago Black on Black Murders R" Us. This bullshit has hit when all the little libtards are out of college. This is the future of America. Funny thing Hispanics are killed by police at a higher rate based on demographics. I can assure you not one one protester can name one White or Hispanic killed by the police. The only race in the world that blames everything on the color of their skin is Black Americans. George Floyd was a model citizen lynched in public. Come on man !!! The cop will pay as they usually do unless Black. This hypocrisy has changed my views on the Black race. They are being played by the Democrats and do not see it. Even Drew Brees is not entitled to his his opinion because it does not fit the narrative. Screw the NFL period. They want a conversation lets talk about the millions they make chasing a pig skin around yet to quote Adrian Peterson "we are slaves" Adrian go whip the crap out of your child again idiot. I want to be a slave making a couple million because I can run with a football in my hands. Enough is Enough. It is coming and it wont be good. America has hit her tipping point. Sadly there will be no middle ground. All the good people of this country no matter what color you are will have to choose a side just to survive. May God have mercy on us all.

  18. Can we sell them back to Africa where they can call themselves African Africans. Matter settled!


  19. Best tactic is to realize the intent was to provoke and bait, and then ignore its presence. It's too large to be seen other than from a height, and will be covered by vehicles most of the time, plus street debris.

  20. LOL that is what so many latinos and hispanics are saying on FB. Can we trade one of them for one of us. The anger toward blacks by not only them but muslims, etc even haitians is growing by the hour. And they have no issues calling them the n word.
    I sit back and I just can not believe how incredible ignorant so many blacks are. The losers had the whole country behind the and just like every thing that loser jinx race they screw that up

  21. Change it to Robert E Lee Plaza !!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    LOL they will have this crapped up in no time flat. They always do. I mentioned elsewhere it's common on foreign travel sites where foreign travelers give their opinions and recommendations on where to travel in the US to stay far away from any streets named things like Martin Luther King Dr. This will be added to the list of Do Not visit if you want to remain safe and not robbed or become a victim of a violent crime

    June 6, 2020 at 4:18 PM

    I couldn't agree more!

  23. Anonymous said...
    If confederate statues and monuments are considered racist to blacks, I consider this sign racist to me as a white person.

    June 6, 2020 at 5:16 PM

    I am offended by this Bull$hit!

  24. Anonymous said...
    We need a CIVIL WAR on Dems.

    June 6, 2020 at 4:27 PM

    I was going to say and on dumb AA's but they are Democrats.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Must have been planed to have one already printed up. HUMMMMM

    June 6, 2020 at 6:38 PM

    What is *planed?

  26. Anonymous said...
    That is the most sickening, disgusting thing I have ever heard of. Why do whites keep bowing to their every whim? This is going to get out of hand if we don't rein them in.

    June 6, 2020 at 7:59 PM

    Because most all of them are F'n COWARDS!

  27. Anonymous said...
    Can we sell them back to Africa where they can call themselves African Africans. Matter settled!

    June 6, 2020 at 8:40 PM

    Hell, I would pay for them to leave. Lincoln was right when he wanted to send them back.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Change it to Robert E Lee Plaza !!!

    June 6, 2020 at 9:20 PM


  29. The revolution has begun
    In the end No Lives Will Matter
    Ye who has the most bullets and is not afraid to shoot will survive. Let the games begin

  30. I may go as far to say black lives matter for the most part. I will add, that the group of misfits ( putting it mildly ) that call themselves BLM, don’t matter to anyone but themselves.

  31. I don't have a problem with a street being painted and name this but not in front of the White house. It just causes more division. Maybe that's what the Mayor wants. Renaming and painting a street will not change a thing. Nothing will change until the hearts of man is changed. There are plenty on both sides, black and white that need that change! If you don't want to see it then just ignore it as you go into DC

  32. Lol, you white people are triggered. You reap what you sow...Judgement Day is coming sooner than you think!! I love it! You will be treated with the same regard you have given minorities. Think on that.

  33. Again a sad representation of our country. While black lives matter, so do white lives, Asian lives, Indian lives, and everyone else's life, it is not very inviting. The nation's capital is supposed to be representative of all peoples, not a particular lobbying group. This is a clear indication of how bad our society is tilted toward special interests.


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