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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Latest Seattle CHOP shooting sees at least 2 injured, police say

Two in critical condition after latest shooting in Seattle's Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.

Seattle police said Monday officers are investigating a shooting near the area protesters are calling the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP.

Two males suffering gunshot wounds arrived at Harborview Medical Center’s Emergency Department. They are both in critical condition, Susan Gregg, a hospital spokeswoman, told Fox News.

The first male arrived at about 6:15 a.m. (ET) by private vehicle followed by the second male about 15 minutes later via Seattle Fire Department medics.

The Seattle Police Department said officers were investigating a shooting near 12 Avenue and Pike Street, where two people were reported injured.



  1. Wait a minute. I thought Chop was an independent nation. You mean to tell me they don't have a single hospital in their whole country?

  2. Kind of ironic all the shooting victims in chop are black. This is the blm utopia.

  3. Build a 40 foot wall around the whole compound and keep them in.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: They don’t need police support nor do they need any other emergency services. They are citizens of a foreign entity and therefore are responsible for their own needs. Why in the he## are taxpayers of Seattle and the state providing services. You would think that establishing a new nation would cause them to have some sort of pride that would preclude asking for help. What bunch of total losers. And I include in that group, the political hacks that supported and allowed the situation to develop. Two things you can draw from this: the first being never underestimate the sheer stupidity of elected officials and second, never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. I saw a video of a group of eight or ten protestors attacking a moving vehicle and when the guy stopped and got out threatening them, the first comments by the protestors was “call the police”!


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