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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Black Washington Post Editor Deletes Tweet Saying ‘White Women are Lucky We Are Not Calling for Revenge’

Democracy dies in darkness, but racism thrives in broad daylight at the Washington Post. Karen Attiah, Global Opinion editor for the Post, posted several racist attacks against white woman on Twitter Sunday, including one that warned white women they are lucky black people aren’t seeking revenge on them for among other grievances voting for President Trump. Attiah deleted that tweet, but tweeted and retweeted several racist tweets about white women. Attiah was born in the U.S. in 1986to parents who immigrated from Ghana.

Attiah wrote and deleted, “The lies and tears of White women hath wrought: The 1921 Tulsa Massacre, Murder of Emmet Till, Exclusion of Black women from feminist movements, 53% of white women voting for Trump. White women are lucky that we are just calling them “Karens”. And not calling for revenge”



  1. Folks are getting very good behind a keyboard.....that is until they realize everyone knows where they live. Yeah that internet gets ya Everytime. Delete and poor it's still there.

    Snowflake cupcake idiots.

  2. Another history cherry-picker that seeks to put the leash on all Whites until they learn to sit, stay, shake and beg for treats.

  3. And still not banned from Twitter and if that started happening everything would change very fast. People are mad about statues but you come for their moms as wives ? Yeah not going to work out.

  4. Time to answer these threats

  5. 10 white cops died protecting a black rapist. 25 black people died. The 200 to 300 is fictional derived from census years later. 35 number came from actual bodies and death certificates... believe all women


  6. Perhaps a change of employment would recenter her priorities and viewpoint? What do you say Big Bosses at Wash Compost?

  7. What she said is a thinly veiled terrorizing threat. She should be arrested and charged. Also, kicked off Twitter for terms of service violation.

  8. Yeah, I voted for Trump, and I'll do it again, I'm not a Karen, but if you want trouble - bring it! I'm ready !

  9. Hate is a learned experience. We are all equal in God's eyes. When we are born, we can be placed side by side and never know we are different in color. It is only when we go home with our parents we begin to hear things about color. I pray that we all learn our lessons soon or it will be to late. Remember, God loves all of us.

  10. well, this is what happens when Christian values are abandoned. Jesus doesn't want to see people avenged or revenged. Satan does. The devil know that if he can get enough people to give in to their hate, he can win their souls.

    I know is sounds silly, but pray for this woman and all the people like her. We need to re-learn the St, Micheal Prayer (even you protestants- angels protect you, too)

    O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan.

  11. Yeah, lol bring your ass and we will show you why. She's just mad her men prefer blondes.

  12. every social media account Jeff Bezos has should be made aware of this story. Thousands of times. He owns the Washington Post

  13. All democrat black woman are violent and confrontational. This is why their youth are slaughtering each other. They come from violent blood. They are real good at lying and saying they are Christian but real Christians don't ever vote democrat God sees what liars they are and is why He is and will continue to punish them with all the black on black murders. He hates them lying about being Christians.

  14. Fear NOT , White MEN Protect White Women !!! They are Ours !!!!

  15. White men have GUNS too !!!

    1. Here's the problem with white men right there. White women have guns too. White women don't need all the white men to come save us. We need you to get off pills and porn and be men again. It makes me soooo sick all the men around that cannot do things like change their own oil or tires.

      And for the record. Blonde women rule the world. That's all there is to it, so everybody needs to get off it. We've been the boss since we got here from our planet.


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