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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Kids Ran Out On $160.00 Tab In Ocean City Maryland


  1. Typical white kids

    1. 🤣😂🤣😂

    2. If the owner forced the waitress to pay the bill they are low life pieces of garbage

    3. I didn't see description of the kids noted. But if I commented as black thugs, I'd be arrested

    4. Well welcome to United states, the land of opportunity. LOL

    5. You can make a rude bias comment but dont have the balls to leave your name!!

    6. Where in the Post does it refer to color? I guess I missed that? But it really doesn’t matter. It starts at home and these kids need to choose their friends wisely. Hang out with those who lift you up, not bring you down to the low life path. If any of you kids involved read this, make it right. You will be forgiven.

    7. They must have tiny smeckles oO

    8. The owners of Harpoon Hannahs make there poor struggling employees pay for walk outs and they have a obscene amount of money

    9. I hated living in Ocean City. The only good thing was the OCEAN.

    10. Look up DLLR rules ... can’t make them pay it... can fire them for miss handling money but not the check

    11. Color doesn't matter the act these senior week participants performed would take away from all local and small businesses they need to be found and held accountable for their actions as is what's just.

      We all as a society must take responsibility as individuals as that's the only way to grow as adults and prosper .

  2. Boardwalk cameras should have the tapes! I guarantee the police station at 65th street has surveillance tapes of that entire boardwalk of the past week. Please call the police chief so that they can post pictures.

    1. The police have so much other things going on they could care less about someone running out on a tab

  3. Any pictures of them from your CCTV by chance? A lot of OSINT(Open Source Intelligence Groups) groups are tracking down people commiting crimes right now to help. From rioters, looters, and things like this. Post some pictures of them on here and I'll make sure the pictures get posted in the right groups. They will be found for sure. The girl who burnt down the Wendy's in Atlanta was caught this way and all we had was pictures of her in black with most of her face covered, and we still found enough evidence to find her and the group turned it in to the Atlanta PD and said give the reward money to some charity related to police officers.

  4. I’ve eaten there several times and had to pay in advance. I thought it was a policy but apparently it was not.

  5. that's horrible, Karma will get them some day. What goes around will come back to them, They think they got away with it, but in the end they won't and when the Karma bus comes at them i hope the first thoughts in their head is what they did. They took 110 dollars and it will cost them them 7 fold!

  6. If they’ve ran out from paying a bill once, then they’ve certainly done it before and will continue to do the same.

    1. Absolutely not true. I walked out of a tab,at the dough roller senior week 1993. I have never done it since,and tip heavily now.

    2. Did you make amends and send them the money?

    3. These are the ppl that are going to run this country. We are doomed. REGARDLESS OF RACE, it was inexcusable. I've seen the videos. Disgusting heathens

    4. The biggest mistake was walking into the dough roller

  7. Sometimes a decision is made whether or not $xxx.xx amount is worth the squeeze.

    OBVIOUSLY it is from a business standpoint - yet LEOs make the final determination. Is $110.00 worth the time/effort of watching videos to potentially find the scum?

    Or could that time be used elsewhere?

    Sad, but true reality in business.

  8. What do you expect from patrons when the owners clearly value dollars over lives? The real world has a strange way of determining payback!

    1. That is called business. they are in it to serve & prosper. Not to allow dishonest thieves to order , eat & run

    2. Wtf r u talking about? Of course they deserve to get paid for their services,what??

  9. Dine and dashers !

  10. They need to be locked up for the rest of the summer. But this is the initiation for these lazy indoctrinated socialist that believes everybody owes them everything.

  11. Bartender for 20 years. @9:17- you probably were joking, but yes. It is mostly white kids. You see six white high school age kids eating out, do not leave the table unguarded, but better yet, ask the host to let you know if they start trickling out. You can usually tell there will be an issue before it is time for the check. It is one of the worst things you can do out in public. It hurts everyone, even future customers of similar characteristics.

  12. June 16, 2020 at 10:51 AM

    No not locked up. They should be forced to wash dishes in the restaurant all summer for no pay.

  13. The waitress was crying and upset because the owners (!), who can afford it much more than the waitress ever could, make the waitress PAY THE BILL if her customers skip.
    The owners need the money to pay for the pair of jet ski's they bought for their second home in Florida.
    The waitress? Minimum wage.

    Why didn't the owners pay it instead of hoping STRANGERS would give them money?

    You know why.

    1. Do you really expect a group that values dollars over lives to cover for the waitress? LOL!

    2. 2:41 I totally agree!

    3. In all the years I worked in restaurants it was standard practice that servers paid for walkouts as well as broken dinnerware

  14. Well don’t you think that was a racist comment? Typical white kids!!! I don’t recall them giving a race In these comments. Regardless of the color of their skin what they did was wrong, And they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, It seems to me that parents today need to hold their children more accountable for their actions if they did so they would never go to Ocean City or anywhere else and act like criminals!!!

  15. I wonder about the person whom said typical white kid you must have deep hate and racial issues get help

  16. i hope they get caught and pay restitution to the restaurant and waitress and when your income comes from tips it hurts the waitstaff nobody should make a waitress cry

  17. The probability is great that they would have gotten the money up front if they were black kids.In the future they should treat everyone the same.Sad the way kids are being raised. One day they will really miss what was. And really MISS US. They will deserve THEMSELFS.

  18. Start holding a credit card on file they wouldn't then

    1. I’m surprised they don’t for sweek... they’ve done it to me before back at home for regular weekend meals lol

  19. WOW Thats like saying typical black kids for all them fights and stabbings in Ocean city..sounds racist right?

  20. My daughter had that happen to her she was pregnant this happened in a biker bar it happens every where. The only good thing that happened some of the guys in there tracked them down they ended up paying any way. If not she would have ended up with a 175.00 she could not pay.

  21. Your "virtuous" mantra of dollars over lives is silly and stupid. No data supports it-only your feelings and smug assurance that you're so superior to everybody else. What you are is a fool.

  22. 8:52....welcome to the world of greed and dollars over lives.

    It IS a fact. Owners of these places WILL make the minimum wage waitress PAY THE BILL.

    And are NOT ashamed to do so. They say, "we can't afford to pay the tab of the people who run out on their bill!".

    But they think the minimum wage employee can.

    Keep cheering.

    1. For sure..Just like Harpoon Hannahs. They make the struggling employees pay for walk outs while they have enough money to last the rest of there lives if they closed tomorrow

    2. Yet the waste of food every single night is ok. OR the free drinks handed out to those in the circle. Yeah fair my old ass.

  23. I was a server for many years and the only people that ever walked out on a check were ADULTS, in my case. And, yes, the restaurant I worked for made the servers pay the check. It's horrible that restaurants do this, but even more horrible that anyone of any age would STEAL their meal and service. Yes, it is STEALING!

  24. I believe that it's illegal for the owners of restaurants to make servers pay for " dine and dashers ". That is the risk they take for going into business like that in the first place. Besides, Mug and Mallet sucks anyway!!!

  25. Why is evrything about color or race?! Its about character! There are thugs in all ethnicities!!! Wake up and stop making it about color, political groups and whatevers. Its about a persons character and integrity!

  26. Black or white it is wrong to stealing

  27. As a restaurant owner myself, it happens all the time, at least 2 times a week during the summer. I DO NOT hold my servers responsible for people who walk out without paying. I also instruct them not too chase anyone down...it isn't worth getting hurt...its only money and my employees health and welfare is most important to me.
    I do keep records and file police reports in bulk once a month, and claim them as losses at tax time.
    Some things you just can't fix. Do the best you can and move on.

  28. It's a shame this post became about race we all need to just stop take a breath this business is out of $160 and he's struggling times we all need to get it together it was not right

    1. You are showing the white privileged in the words you type. No matter what racism rises to the top. How would you like it not being able to afford 160 for seafood? You can understand because your white.

    2. Easy there racist

  29. Maybe Mug & Mallet should install kiosks and let people
    pay in advance for their food. If the owners are that tight-fisted perhaps they should just be responsible for collecting their own money and let customer wait on themselves.

    1. Perhaps your thoughts as a non business owner should be kept to yourself. Know it all.

  30. Hey 3:20- I'm white and I can't afford $160 for seafood. So I bought a pound of crabmeat for $24 and made my own crabcakes. Boom, done- less than what it costs to feed my family at McDonald's now.


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