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Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Ocean City

The parents of these people should be called and made to come and get them and also be responsible for any damages these scum bums thought was fun doing.


  1. That's part of the problem - If they have one or two- they don't care.

    1. How do these kids even afford to go to ocean city anyway thats right their parents i work full time and i cant even afford to take a vacation

    2. Me too! I love OC MD and I have to skip this year because I can't afford to go.

    3. @ the top Unknown: How do you get by in today's society without using correct grammar and punctuation and still get an intelligible point across? You present yourself just like these kids you're berating. You are no better than them.

  2. Lock up the SCUM !!! That's what jails are for !!!!

    1. Load that patty wagon up tight with with thugs. I rode in it 35 years ago for an open container in a motor vehicle. SMH

  3. This young bunch is EASY to punish but nobody will ever go there - How about an ankle bracelet that blocks all internet access for a 10 to 20 foot radius of them?

    THAT would get their attention.

  4. Seriously? These are kids who come from generations of filth. Animals raise young more civilized.

    1. They are not kids even if under age. They are criminals, violators, Instigators, and one may even say ass holes. Call it like it is, don’t skate around them. That only gives them leverage. Not all are nice, same as elderly. Once a bi.ch, always one. Bunch of no count turds live among us.

    2. These aren't kids, they are in their 20's at least. Draft them and send them to a foreign country for a year.

  5. There parents are just as bad. They learn this behavior from them.
    Most are being raised without supervision by their grandmother.

    1. Did you pass 1st grade? Learn how to right...

    2. Do you mean write? Did u pass 2nd grade

    3. That some funny stuff 10:36, 10:38, and 5:27

  6. Absolutely for anyone under 18. For those over 18 maximum time in Snow Hill ( release non violent offenders to make room for the trouble makers in Ocean City]. Make examples of those coming to OC to cause trouble. Fine them like crazy and give them jail time.

    1. I grew up going to OC,Md, a "family's resort. What is taking place there now pa disgraceful. These people are thugs,criminals and need to be prosecuted, fined as such. Wake up, step up and take action or OC will become the next CHOP. Residents need to band together, and picket city hall and get through to the mayor...stat!

  7. Beaufort T. Justice will take them all in!!

  8. They have just started. They haven't burned anything down yet. They will be burning down the hotels there by route 90 of course for a fast get away

  9. In and out of jail on no bail. System is broken.

  10. The parents are not involved until their little angels are hurt in the crap they created. If you can even locate their parents.

    1. Or if it's a law suit involved and they sue for money

  11. How many of these young thugs are already Baby Daddies?

  12. How many of these young thugs are already Baby Daddies.

  13. They should arrest them and then make them clean up all the trash they left behind. I have never seen so much trash in OC. It's so bad. The poor fish.

  14. They will burn Ocean city down in 30 days

    1. It was over years ago

    2. The boardwalk, and those older bldgs will go up in like dry grass. I love the purple moose. Is it still there

  15. And when you have businesses that openly flout the Governor’s mandate and a city government and police force that looks the other way you set a perfect example encouraging this type of behavior. Kind of goes like ‘if you don’t follow the law why should I?’

    1. Oh bull. Kids are acting this way because a lack of 1. No, Fathers in the home 2. Being enabled 3. Lack of consequences. 4. Lack of discipline in the home.

    2. I agree. There parents won't discipline them. There scared someone will call the law on them. My parents used "Spare the rod spoil the child" on me. I wasn't abused but I sure as heck knew the consequences of my bad behavior. True there are those out there that abuse kids. But GOD parents know teaching there kid appropriate behavior is a reglectof love and caring. When I see kids in public today I think yep sloppy lazy parents.

    3. I had to raise my kids without their father,and I disciplined them plenty. Until my son found out he could cry " abuse" the idiot cops that were young and childless believed my 6 ft tall 200lb 16 year old. They tied my hands when what thus kid needed was a good swift kick in the butt. He could hit me but I wasn't allowed to defend myself or discipline him. Until 1 older cop who had children of his own told my son if he ever lays a hand on me again, he's coming for him, just like he would his own if they hit their mother. Needless to say, his reign of terror was over.

    4. My kids tell me they'll call the police on me too. Then I tell them "good idea, let's call them first before I give you a glimpse of Jesus!" Kids are very different from when I grew up. They are meaner.

    5. hogan's mandate is illegal !!!!

  16. Answer is simple. Lock them up and don't let them out till the parents come pick them up. The parents will probably get the message when they have to come from Baltimore or Pennsylvania to get their kids out of jail.

  17. Parents?? Most are over 18 and should be put down.

    1. WOW!!!! put down??? treat them like animals. They will act like animals. So you get what you give

    2. Senior week has not changed one bit. Just have cameras to record the shenanigans. It was crazy when I went 31 years ago. There were fights, but more underage drinking back then.

  18. don't forget to put those quarters in the meters

  19. Reaping whats been sown ..too late.. You never get good fruit from evil seeds. these trees have been government educated, indoctrinated bombarded with useless lies. Taught to spit on GOD USA, and embrace luciferian idealogy of anything goes. Total Selfishness and hatered of the constitution and love of marxism. Good luck These parents don't think their kids do anything wrong look at the schools, their attitudes, look at their manners look at their behavior. Those Apples did not fall that far from the trees.
    Turn off WI-FI the jist of problem will be solved

  20. Reaping whats been sown ..too late.. You never get good fruit from evil seeds. these trees have been government educated, indoctrinated bombarded with useless lies. Taught to spit on GOD USA, and embrace luciferian idealogy of anything goes. Total Selfishness and hatered of the constitution and love of marxism. Good luck These parents don't think their kids do anything wrong look at the schools, their attitudes, look at their manners look at their behavior. Those Apples did not fall that far from the trees.
    Turn off WI-FI the jist of problem will be solved



  22. These so called people are criminals and should be treat as dangerous. They should be shown no mercy when apprehended and tried. When police or judges go easy on these criminals they don't even think twice about to do mayhem again. Treat them like the disease they are.

  23. I still believe this freestate needs an ok to carry law. A 38 special over my bathing suit would solve many issues.

  24. 25 years ago, it was the same. Senior week has always had countless bloody brawls... Just more cameras and utilization of social media makes it more visible.

    1. Someone with sense. It's always been this way, it's just been exasperated by the riots and the lockdown this year. I've lived here my whole life and I've always been told to not go on the boardwalk after dark.
      It isn't kids that are being arrested, they're grown folks! Stop blaming "bad parenting", it gives people an excuse to behave poorly. I've seen plenty of kids come from bad homes and become good people.

    2. Exactly. Senior week was insane when I went 31 years ago. The only difference is CAMERAS. Now there's VIDEO EVIDENCE of the senior week shenanigans. Sheesh I know I would have been arrested many times for all the beer I drank at 18 in OCMD during senior week in 1989.

      Also, I own a house on Sunset Island, so I'm in OC quite a bit. Senior week is always crazy, but thank God it passes quickly.

  25. 1 I am so tired of all this stuff all around the country they look to destroy this country when Will trump send in the guard and shoot these people down like dogs and traitors that they are

  26. I just spent 4 days in OC and didn't see none of thus negative stuff you guys are wining about..Had a great family trip

  27. if you can't put your name to it don't say it..I am 48 and was a kid once..You all sound like a bunch of old miserable people..If I was a kid a wouldn't respect you guys either..Your on hear really talking about kids fighting other kids..how does that hurt you..

    1. I agree I own a house on Sunset Island. Senior week is a mess and was wild and crazy 31 years ago when I went at 18 years old. The difference is cameras. They can capture all the shenanigans and we now get to see it. Every year OCMD goes crazy during senior week. This is not new. This is the age of video. People are going to video disruptive behaviour. Thank God video wasn't available in 1989. Let's just say there was a lot of Milwaukee's best in blood.

    2. Hey Mr "Unknown" if you can't put your name to it don't say it. Very well stated LOL


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