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Monday, June 29, 2020

John Wayne Airport could have name change over his racist comments

California Democrats are pushing to rename John Wayne Airport because of racist and homophobic remarks made by the actor.

Wayne, who died in 1979, once said that he didn't feel guilty about slavery, claimed Native Americans were 'selfishly trying to keep' land for themselves and used homophobic slurs.

Democrats in Orange County now wish to drop the film legend's name, statue and other likenesses from the Santa Ana airport because of the bigoted comments.



  1. Wayne's fan base is dying off.

    1. I’m still here and don’t mess with the Duke.

    2. Well I’ll tell you mister, you leave my airport alone or else.

  2. Why would he feel guilt over slavery? Why would he expect people to get educated and productive instead of sucking the public teat for generations?

  3. Well he’s been dead for a while and out of site out of mind. Anyone that doesn’t fit today’s agenda is a bigot or a racist.

  4. I'm so sick of this crap, change this, change that, it's all BS. Damn, history is history, leave it the hell alone and move on.

  5. Democrats at their best. Better vote Trump or you will lose all of history and your freedoms.

  6. Good Grief....feelings will cost us MORE to fix. Each and every name change (schools, road, building, airports, etc) cost money to change.

    Schools - signs, paintings, sports clothes/equipment, slogans, paraphernalia

    Roads - signs (major interstate, locality), paraphernalia

    Buildings - signs, paraphernalia

    airports - slogans, signs, paraphernalia

    Very expenses ALL for feelings. Well I hope feelings has enough tax dollars to pony up since thats the ONLY place changes like this require.

  7. What John Wayne said is absolutely true.

  8. I guess it is only right. I heard alot of locations are changing Martin Luther King highways. For many reasons. Actually who really cares about airport names. Why do they name stadiums after Banks?

    1. Stadiums are named for whoever pays the most money for the naming rights.

    2. So it is all about the money not the name.

    3. So it is all about the money not the name.

      Update - so we have Chase Bank - Chase stadium. Couldn't Chase lower their credit card interest rates - you know instead of fame - name on stadium. Like I said - who really cares

  9. John Wayne?

    A great actor. A legend in Hollywood.
    Glad to hear he made those remarks.
    Now I like him even more!

  10. They should name ALL stadiums "TAX PAYER STADIUM" cuz we're the ones footing the bills with Government subsidies!

  11. Just add Gacy and save the expense of replacing all the signage. Besides, he was more aligned with democrat beliefs than The Duke's.

  12. Wasn't his wife Mexican?

    1. Didn’t he find her at Rio Grand? No the was Clint Eastwood in a Grand Torino I’m thinking of.


  13. Recall the admonition, 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!'

    I think the revisionists hysterically trying to tear down statues need to have a truly sincere examination of their consciences. If they have never put somebody else down or asserted their superiority on any topic or event, or broken a law then they can take peaceful issue with some dead person's life, and provide a peaceful, non-destructive discussion.

    If not, they should join the rest of us in trying to lead the best possible lives we can.

    Obviously, not holding my breath in the interim.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Excellent comments but 10:14’s concise analysis is dead on.


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