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Monday, June 08, 2020

Is This Racist Too, Do You People See Where I'm Going With All This?


  1. Bull. You can look at the comments here and see that is a croc. Not to mention, the Right tends to try to deny a certain segment of Americans their first amendment rights when those americans speak out.

    1. Liar, say what you have to say, no problem..riot and lose your message in the protest. Fool

  2. 8 yrs of Obama brainwashing.

  3. BINGO!! That's why this entire narrative is a sham. It's disgusting to see White's allowing themselves to be degraded. They are led to believe that this sham is real. White's washing the feet of blacks. White's kneeling down in front of blacks. WTF is wrong with these fool's. ITS A SHAM.

  4. I'm black and a leftist. And you should see race. Anyone who says, "I don't see race", that's a problem for me. You should notice my skin but I will certainly notice yours. The difference is the right wants to label us as Americans to silence the subliminal message of white superiority. We ARE different in cultures and traditions however, we all strive for the same goals. To raise successful education children and build strong communities. There is good and bad in every race. America was built on racism. The right continues to ignore the underlying issues of racism and because the left doesn't it is often portrayed as division. Donald Trump has been the greatest divider of my lifetime or the racists wouldn't support him or his presidency so kinda kills the narrative of the left being the racists.

    1. You’re misinformed, Trump has done more for Blacks than any President since Lincoln “yes I’m black” White superiority as you call it is a buzz word conversation ender it’s meant to shut people up and nothing more no better than the N-word because it’s a made up construct .you say the right ignored underlying racism but all the police shootings and deaths of blacks happen in Democrat states and cities almost everytime. And just so you know here are some actual facts 2019 deaths of unarmed whites were 19 deaths of unarmed blacks were 9 vs 89 deaths of police officers. As for America being built on racism I can only laugh. England brought the slaves here on Jewish merchant ships ... Americans were against slavery. Americans fought against the British to free themselves from their rule and a civil war 70 plus years later which ended slavery all together. Out of 400 years of slavery only 70 plus years were as America the country but the bloody civil war ended that .... America didn’t enslave blacks America freed blacks

    2. So, as you say "this nation was built on racism". Is that why 10's of THOUSANDS of Whites WILLINGLY fought and have their LIVE'S to free slaves? Is that why cops go into DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED inner cities and listen to to the bullshit thrown at them, and risk their lives because 2 crackheads are fighting? Is that why these DEMOCRAT run cities NEVER change year after year? Oh, please explain. Is that why we now have had BLACKS in the presidency serving 2 terms? Is that why wr have thousands of black police, business leaders etc? Is that why we've passed civil rights bills? Is that why BLACKS & WHITES in uniforms both police and military serve together SIDE by SIDE? When I and thousands of others took our oath to defend the Constitutional rights of ALL citizens, NONE of us said, "Well, except black peoples rights" YOU need to step up to the mirror, and look at that person, and ask THEM if maybe THEY'RE the racist!!! Get off you High Horse!

    3. I see race when I'm constantly TOLD or reminded day in and day out. We all are AMERICANS until someone gets their feeling hurt.

      Then it's Katie bar the door ad nauseum.

      A simple fact indeed.

    4. And you are part of the problem and why it will continue to exist. I am white and right wing. I dont want anyone to recognize me as white. I dont look at people and say, oh, they are black. I dont like them. I want people to see me as a person and an American. That's what I want to look at other people as, but people like you will not allow that because it will not advance your agenda. Do you think o like walking into a job interview knowing I will not get the job because a POC is the one that just vacated the position and that is who they are going to hire next? I guess that is what you call white privilege. I want them to hire based on the merits of the person,not the color of the skin. KIND IF SOUND LIKE Dr. King, don't I?

  5. Welcome to "Identity Politics". WE'VE allowed this over the past decade, because we just thought..."Oh, whatever, just the left being stupid". Well kids, THIS is the result of our complacency! Like i always said "The worlds ending, WOMEN & MINORITIES effected worst"

  6. I'm a white guy that knows a lot of people of color. I can assure you that MOST of them, like me, just want this race race race nonsense over with.

    There are certain groups (Dumbocrats) that keep perpetuating it every chance they get.

    1. That's the problem. When it ends?? The sham is over. No more roits. No more destruction. No more protests. No more Affirmative Action. No more government assistance. They have to fend for themselves like everyone else. They will never let this go. It's their bread and butter. The only race that can't lift their boot straps and overcome diversity. The only race that gets a leg up constantly. Yet they talk about WHITE SUPREMACY. That in it self shows me they are nothing more than hustlers.

    2. Why because we don't see it your way?


    3. Lmao...we know you're lying because you would have said I have a lot of black friends, not I know people of color. Black people listen, come here and check out the news but don't fall for the comments on here. These white people on here have the FOX news mentality. They think Obama is a Muslim for God sakes because a White man told them so. They said Obama wouldn't let you say merry Xmas..just a bunch of middle aged racist who play on the internet.

  7. 10:50

    All I can say is that you are very biased.

  8. 1057 you people believe these things because you are ignorant of facts that are a few keyboard strokes away. Your ignorance is based off a lack of will to actually go educate yourself before spouting nonsense. "Identity Politics" go all the way back to the the 1700's of just allowing white male landowners to vote. There is a ton of historical information out there that specifically demonstrates the use of identity to form political coalitions. It has just become a problem for you and so many because it is minorities speaking out and having these issues addressed here in more recent times.

    1. Well come on. You'rd calling ME ignorant? ANY TIME you wanna talk FACTS, I'm here! I'll lay you out with the facts, and where YOU can find them. Listen, I deal in Facts, not fantasy, and emotions. Just reply with facts, not insults!

    2. He we go again. Going back to the 1800's. Lol. EVERY RACE have had the same issues from way back. The Irish were slave's. Remember the signs "No immigrants need apply". Especially IRISH?? Every nationality has overcome hardships. EXCEPT BLACKS. Down I'm New Orleans the blacks worked on the docks because they wouldn't allow or wanted the IRISH to work. So sit down and STFU. You can't handle the truth or facts because you don't have any.

  9. 10:50 - I guess Joe Biden was right!

  10. That is simply not true

  11. 10:50 - I am so sorry that all you are occupied with is the color of your skin and race. Maybe if you weren't you could get out of your own way.

  12. "We the people of the United States of America....."

    Lest not forget.....and that none of us were around when those words were penned to paper.

    No spin at all....yet we all do it.

  13. I am a white man in my sixties. But I have an interracial family. I grew up in as a teenager in the sixties. I have been working all my life since then. But every time I went to an interview for a job I was discriminated against for being a white male. Yes i ias told on many occasions. You are just the type person we are looking for. But I cannot hire you till we hire x number of minorities. This was affirmative action in progress. I experienced this my whole life So I don't want to hear this crap about white privilege. White privilege doesn't exist.So give it a rest. I am sure a lot of other white males experienced the same kind of discrimination that I did. And this was constantly and all the time no matter of qualifications. The MSP even lowered their standards and didn't hire a white male for 20 years to try an get the racial balance up. The would hir blacks, hispannics and women but no white males. This is all true facts Check it out if you don't believe me.So don't give me that white privilege BS.

    1. Affirmative action is racist


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