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Monday, June 08, 2020



  1. Then they send U.S. taxpayer money to clean it all up. It's a never ending loop. Conservative intervention is all that can save the Republic. The only way we, the citizens, have to change it is through our votes.

  2. Stop paying federal taxes until the federal government stops giving it to the states. The taxes in the Democratic stars will starve the people. Problem solved. Federal taxes should be spent on military and roads. Not another dang thing

  3. Have a look at which states are now seeing Covid-19 cases trending back up. Mostly Red states.

    1. Do you really believe these fake virsus numbers - really.

    2. And Ocean City MD is a deserted town since everybody there died last week

  4. Is this a challenge to see how many lies can be packed into a single meme?

    1. 12:09 Deception is the democrats and leftys friend. Its the truth that stings your soul because you know its true

  5. 12:09 Please explain to me, with factual proof, what lies are in this meme? I'll wait....

  6. These looters are white supremacists stirring up trouble and damage

  7. This is why blm is for the stupid. Only an ignoramus would support that terrorist group. They promote democrat candidates. All democrats have ever done is....not a thing positive ever. Minneapolis where this all started is an example. It's been under democrat control for generations. So why was a cop who had numerous complaints even still on the Minneapolis police. The buck stops at the top and it's all democrats at the top and has been for forever This goes for all cities that have problems. It's all democrats.
    Not that I would expect anyone who is against President Trump to understand thisj They are horrid people who lie and do nothing but take up space on this earth Nasty people who are not worthy to even breath the same air as the good and righteous supporters of the President

  8. We don't need to be convinced, we have eyes and can read.

    1. Then do something about it.

  9. " Anonymous said...
    These looters are white supremacists stirring up trouble and damage

    June 8, 2020 at 1:17 PM"

    Lol the nonsense you people come up with is too much. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    Have a look at which states are now seeing Covid-19 cases trending back up. Mostly Red states.

    June 8, 2020 at 11:51 AM"

    Duh!!!! Many states are seeing "cases trending." This because of more testing. The percentage of cases positive is lower. That is what is important. Like FL for instance which has seen a spike now is showing only 4 percent are positive. And if you look on zip code maps All the areas in every state where the cases are rising (and were hit the hardest) were always blue areas. God's warning maybe?

  11. All ideas presented in this meme are not mutually exclusive, and all the ideas CAN be true at the same time.

    I happen to agree with all of them. Trump is ruining our country (and was doing so WAY before this virus or riots), and state lock downs are ruining our economy, AND rioters are destroying our communities.

    If you assert that these things were intentionally done to hurt Trump, as in there was a plan with leadership and people to make the plan happen.... then surely there is demonstrable evidence of it?

    Or is this an unjustified way to take horrible tragedies and politicize them for your own gain?

  12. Chicago , NYC , Philly , Washington DC, Minneapolis, Atlanta all #Democratic Mayors






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