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Friday, June 19, 2020

General John Henry Winder Sign Removed: UPDATE

Last week I delivered an article about the County Executive Bob Culver removing the above sign and the comments were some of the most hateful and racist comments I had ever seen in all the 15 years I have been doing this. I ultimately removed ALL comments as they were extremely hurtful towards Bob and unfortunately someone else was moderating comments and I wasn't aware what was being said.

That being said, here's the deal. Bob removed the sign because he was receiving threats if he didn't take it down it would be destroyed by vandals. It was a quick decision to PRESERVE it and ultimately donate it to a worthy museum. It was the right move all around. In closing, shame on the people who made such harsh comments towards Bob and his current health condition. 

Running this site is not an easy task. There are times, especially starting today as I go back to running Caribbean Joe's on top of this when I just want to give up and I'm sure many of you can understand. It takes a strong person to sit back and be forced to read so many hateful comments and there are lots of people out there who's job is to send in these nasty comments all day and night, every single day of the year in the hope of defaming me, this site, and even make us out to look racist. So you know, we moderate over 1,000 comments a day and that's a fact. While this is par for the course in what I do every day, it takes its toll, especially the volunteers who have to read through such comments filed with such hate. 

That being said, because I can't trust some of you. I'm turning off the comments on this post. I simply wanted everyone to know WHY Bob made the decision he made to remove the sign.