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Friday, June 19, 2020

Cracker Jack Changes Name To More Politically Correct Caucasian Jack

PLANO, TX—When ballparks finally open again, those standing for the traditional seventh-inning stretch will be singing some different lyrics to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

After over 100 years of selling its caramel popcorn snack under the name Cracker Jack, Frito-Lay announced today that it would be rebranded as the less offensive "Caucasian Jack."

"We are very sorry to all the crack---er, I mean, Caucasians we have hurt over the years," said a spokesperson. "Cracker is an offensive stereotype, and we must make sure that all foods and snack products are culturally sensitive. Think about all the white people who have had to suffer in silence as tens of thousands of baseball fans sang out the hurtful lyrics 'Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.'"



  1. Woooo !!! you mean anyone cares about how Whites feel for a change ?

    1. Total BS. No one was offended by the name Cracker Jacks. This like all the other products and sports team name is nothing other then a few people who want attention. Once again corporate bows down by the media pressure. Calling it Caucasian Cracker is more discrediting by saying this popcorn is strictly for white people. Using someone name or reference is also considered a compliment. The folks who complain doesn't even buy your products in the first place yet they are the ones your worried about. Changing you name isn't going to make them like you anymore. Only a fool falls for such pressure. They will be complaining about someone else next week. It's all about getting attention. By changing the name you are pissing off the customers you do have not gaining a thing.

  2. What's next ?? White on Rice ? White Toilet paper ?? White limo ??

    Whites must erase all WHITE anything !!!! Not our country anymore ?

    Then next time there is a WAR , don't call up ANY Whites & somebody
    else can fight the Wars from now on then !!!

  3. For clarification, this was in fact a parody.

  4. To be more PC it would have to be Mixed Race Jack. Or Jane.

  5. What about Cracker Barrel, what's that gonna be called?

  6. Dang pretzels are twisted

  7. I guess chocolate bar is next??

  8. I guess they want to call it BLACKER JACK??

  9. Babylon Bee is a satire site, idiots.

  10. Remove the name, leave everything else on the package.

    Same with Uncle Bens, Aunt Jemima and every other supposed derogatory, offensive words/names.

    We all know the brand without the name.

    So silly and EXPENSIVE to change sh*t for a certain group. That in itself is offensive.

  11. 12:58

    But it's full of nuts so it should also be called Mixed Race non gender full of liberals mix.

  12. "...this was in fact a parody."

    Yeah, but a week ago if you had mentioned removing Aunt Jemimah or Uncle Ben everyone would have thought that a parody. In the current atmosphere it just might happen.

  13. Micro aggression! I'm offended! Somebody find me a safe space!

  14. I'm proud to be a White cracker

  15. How are you Baby Boomers all so media illiterate? It's a joke article. And I thought liberals were supposedly the ones that got offended by everything.

  16. Thank you ! That was the first grin I have had lately.

  17. Considering the alternatives, I am a proud to be a cracker!!!

  18. As much as I enjoy it I always thought it ironic Cracker Barrel chose that name considering it mostly black southern cuisine but not as good. It's gone now but there used to be this place in Atlanta. Aunt Fannies Cabin supposedly established by a former slave. The walls were covered with pictures of famous people but it was surreal the waitresses were dressed like Mammies and boys in tatters came around with a slate with a face hole cut out and they would sing the menu. Once everyone was served the Mammies would take the stage and sing negro spirituals. It was very surreal but everyone was in on the spectacle and the food was out of this world. They were laughing all the way to the BANK. Yeah it was not not politically correct but the Cadillacs parked in the lot belong to the staff that had homes in Buckhead next door to Coca Cola heirs.

  19. The song "White Christmas" is getting banned.
    January "White Sales" are being looked at.
    Martha White baking Flour is going to be renamed.

    1. I’m offended by having a Black Friday

  20. "Cracker" Barrel restaurants are going to get a new name too. Looking into the name of "Buckwheat's Barn" or "Darla's Kitchen" for the old our gang show.

  21. Remove The peanuts in Jack's too ! ...they offend us males !

  22. @June 19, 2020 at 1:18 PM. Who you calling an idiot?

  23. I identify as a Saltine myself.

  24. And if the pictures on those products were white, they would have a problem with that also. "Why you has to have blacks on those products? We eat dat shite too, you know." Nothing satisfies them.

  25. GOOD PARODY but the way the world is now, this kind of crap might come true! By the way CAUCASIAN doesn’t mean WHITE people,CAUCASIANS are people from the CAUCUS mountain region and they are mixed with ASIAN and INDIAN,!! EDUCATE PEOPLE!!!

    1. Another libutard with his bait and switch NARRATIVE. It means what it always meant. WHITE. Nice try professor. Now go back to Rehoboth.

  26. Now black people want to rename Dominos to Joemamano’s

  27. This whole thing is about people who want attention. They will move on to the next company by complaining about something else next week. They don't give a shit about your product. By giving in your going to lose more then if you just ignored them. A sign of weak management who looking for a quick out. You lost my respect and business.


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