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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Flush The Republican Establishment

When asked to name Republican disappointments in the United States Senate, conservatives don’t struggle naming names. Turncoats like former Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska who helped Democrats crucify Justice Kavanaugh. The late John McCain who helped save Obamacare. No conservative would forget the most famous modern-day RINO of all – Mitt “Pierre Delecto” Romney.

That’s just a partial list to be sure, but it’s a reminder as we watch blue state governors continue with capricious and destructive coronoavirus lock downs and major Democrat-led cities erupt in anarchy. As we continue to uncover the scandal of Barack Obama and his minions’ abuse, misuse and weaponization of government institutions to destroy private citizens and political opponents. There are still Republicans whose chief concern is protecting themselves from outsiders they feel don’t belong in their Republican clubhouse.

As we close in on November’s general election we know three things to be true. First, the presidential race is going to be a dogfight. Second, taking back the House will be even tougher for Republicans. Third, and perhaps most importantly is the Republican controlled Senate cannot – under any circumstances – be lost or compromised. Should the election go south for Republicans, the Senate must remain the nation’s firewall from socialism.



  1. You are illustrating a great point, the conservative public is turning on Republicans who are doing things for the benefit of the American people as a whole and not specifically for Trump. Shame you're too brainwashed to see it though.

  2. Don't forget Paul Ryan.

  3. That is a big part of the problem. Before the radicals got elected, it was very difficult to tell the two parties apart. And many of the so-called Republicans have been paid by the billionaires for so long that they simply do what they are told to do. Otherwise, Comcast, Google, Walmart and Amazon would never have been allowed to become so dominant, so controlling.

  4. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing me rant about this, but repetition builds memory...This problem exists because WE conservatives let it exist. WE don't constantly call, email, and MOST IMPORTANTLY go to our representatives offices, rally's, and wherever else they are in public and CALL THEM OUT! Conservatives have been WAY too passive, for WAY too long! We check the Square in the ballot box (often not knowing any of that candidates voting history) then we go home, and complain about everything on social media. We think "Trump will fix it" Meanwhile, the Liberal voters actually KNOW how their candidate had voted in the past, and when they get elected, and don't vote on or push the issues they ran on, the liberal voters go APE SHIT on their reps! They hold their reps accountable! They stand outside their offices and shout! When a business does something contrary to the lefts agenda, the left MELTS DOWN! They call & email that business, and threaten to CANCEL them! Yes, its stupid, but look at the results the left had produced in just the past 4 months!! They've gotten US locked up in our homes, for committing NO crimes, they've RUINED the reputation of our entire Police force, they've turned family members against one another, they've been allowed to DESTROY businesses with no repercussions, they've forced out government to handout free money just to sit on our asses, they've basically TAKEN OVER an ENTIRE city, by force, with the support of the local government, and the endorsement of the Democratic party, hell, they just got Aunt Jemima syrup to change the fricking name of a syrup!!, yet we can't even get outta out homes and protest?? What the heck people...WHEN the F$&k are WE gonna stand our ground? The clock is ticking folks, and I'm not saying to be violent or stupid, BUT if WE don't start getting our asses out there and Fight them like they fight us, and if WE don't start threatening business with BOYCOTTS, and if we keep supporting Hollywood by watching their garbage, and MOST importantly, if WE choose to NOT publicly, in MASS call out ALL elected officials, then WE don't deserve our freedoms & liberty's. WE HAVE LOST....It's time for each of us to decide....Good day

  5. Perhaps the country would be better off if you pledged allegiance to the US Constitution and the country. Not to a political party.

    1. I DO. I'm not even a Republican. I'm a Conservative. I support the candidate that best supports the Constitution, and Conservative values, and the best interests of our country, regardless of their party.


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