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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

BBC teaching kids 100 genders exist


  1. Luciferian idealogy. Baal pagan worshippers

  2. 37 in nyc and Cuomo will be our President after he replaces Biden

  3. So when are we going to start raising our voices and start complaining about the luciferian religion that is being pushed propagated and supported by the government

  4. it's being promoted in ALL public schools now. what's happened to Salisbury???

  5. 438 - the swerve of the year!

  6. Wow!! There are only 2 genders!! Male/ female. Thats it!!

  7. If we want to talk the science of it then lets do that.

    There are two biological sexes. In homosapians they are Male and Female, dictated by chromosomes. There are abnormalities to these chromosome mixes, creating small groups of abnormalities that don't fit squarely into the XX or XY categories.

    Gender, on the other hand is a social construct, that has had wildly varying roles among differing cultures throughout history. A gender role for a female in one society may vary dramatically in another. In some cultures the gender roles would be blurred. Some cultures would herald a transgender as a shaman.

    So YES there are only two sexes, with varying abnormalities found in small amounts, much like you find people with six fingers instead of five. Also YES there are many many kinds of genders or gender roles.

    Unfortunately, it has become a trendy thing and a way to rebel against the system to invent made up genders. This trend will pass like all the others, children will find a new way to be different, just like all of the other different people they want to be like... this is nothing new... it's just part of the human condition.

  8. I’m identifying as my bosses boss so I can fire him.


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