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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Donald Trump Calls for ‘Equal Justice Under the Law’ for All Americans After George Floyd Death

President Donald Trump on Friday called for equal treatment by law enforcement for every American, in response to the death of George Floyd.

“Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender, or creed,” Trump said. “They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement.”

The president spoke about the death of Floyd as he addressed the unexpectedly good economic and job numbers.

“We saw what happened last week,” he continued. “We cannot let that happen. Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying, there is a great thing that’s happening for our country. It is a great day for him. It is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

Several corporate media reporters and Democrats were furious the president referred to Floyd looking down from heaven while suggesting it was a “great day” for him



  1. No pro sports. Order them closed Mr. President!

  2. Equal Justice under the law is how it was all intended, not special Justice for anybody. Not black lives matters, gay rights, Equal I want to add if they feel that black lives matter, then why do they all vote Democrat when Democrats have all voted for full term and partial birth abortions. Planned parent and other abortion clinics kill yes i used the word kill thousands of innocent little black babies every year. What about those black lives? If you believe what you spew then answer me this? how do you condone that through keep voting for Democrats? Democrats are behind some of the most heinous stuff through out history. But again they are the same ones that want to hide, twist and do away with history. they have a ugly history and want it all destroyed because they own it!

  3. They would have found something to be furious about no matter what he said. They are truly furious that he breathes.

  4. Protect all of us... continue to keep us great. We need it

  5. The media and far left are totally out of control. America needs to be careful...we have too much to lose.

  6. LOL yes 711, asking for police accountability and reduction in the bias that leads to negative police interactions is asking for "special treatment". We get it. Or maybe you are upset at gays asking for the same right you have to be legally married.

    818 yep that huge hole blown in the deficit pre-COVID during a time of economic growth really is keeping us great.

  7. Trump imagined Floyd George looking down smiling because the stock market rallied. I’m sure that made Floyd feel like his murder was not in vain. smh.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. 7:29 they spend their lives laying around slobbering and looking for something to get "outraged" over so they can "protest" which to them means wee can steal and get away with it, we can destroy and get away with it. Animals are truly and without any doubts more civilized. They could care less about the porn dude dying. They are happy they got all the free stuff.

  10. The nasty april jackson wants blacks to boycott ollie's She is such a pawn of the devil Ollie's employees many blacks which any boycott could potentially hurt them. She is truly a disgrace of a human being

  11. Watch how the Sunday shows chop up rewrite and misrepresent everything Trump said this week.

    It is truly disgusting how the media gets away with this.

    Trump was on the side of the peaceful protester from the very beginning and was claiming that the antifa rioters were drowning out the message.

  12. I'm having a Nixon flash back.
    Law and Order
    Haven't we learned anything ?
    The Idea is not to let it get to this point.

  13. I wish someone would report more on the guys rapsheet. This guy shouldn't have died. But WTF with all the bullshit with making him out to be a HERO. That he has accomplished so much in his life and was on the verge of wonderful things. He's a criminal with an extensive history of being stupid.

  14. There is no police bias toward blacks The statistics prove this but blacks lie. They have real issues when it comes to being honest and anyone who is honest won't deny this. They can lie at the drop of a hat and lie without a hint of embarrassment. This because most have not had a moral person in their lives ever. They have no concept of what being a moral person even means. This is why most vote democrat.

  15. 8:43
    "LOL yes 711, asking for police accountability and reduction in the bias that leads to negative police interactions is asking for "special treatment". We get it. Or maybe you are upset at gays asking for the same right you have to be legally married."

    Nice try. They have the same right as anyone to get married. Getting married to someone of the same sex is a "Special" privilege that is an affront attack on the institute of marriage.
    "Gay" marriage is contrary to the whole purpose of marriage which is to create a nuclear family.

  16. 8:43 look up the 1994 crime bill and then look up the justice reform bill of Dec 2018 and then get back to us.....we will be waiting......

  17. 8:46 that is not true. He was talking about equality when he made that comment about Floyd looking down. Stop spreading the lies, it serves nobody.

  18. i don't care who gets married to whom, but my God does, read the Bible.


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