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Sunday, June 07, 2020

Black Lives Matter Thug Forces White Woman to Get on Her Knees and Apologize For Her “White Privilege” (VIDEO)

Make no mistake, every single Communist wants every white person in America to do this.

Policemen across the country are kneeling before far-left protesters and rioters.

So Black Lives Matter members are emboldened and now telling civilians to submit and kiss the ring.

They now believe they have the authority to tell white Americans to kneel and apologize….for the color of their skin.



  1. Don't believe everything you see. Probably staged.

  2. You want Socialism then you do this submissive actions. I will never bow to any human being.

  3. Hhhaaa!! You'll have to kill me! The liberals have lost their f'ing minds

  4. The ONLY kneeling I do is to my savior and, once in a while, to improve the stability of my firing position. I drove by one of their under-attended and pathetic "demonstrations" yesterday. What a motley assortment of fat losers, purple haired rejects and unkempt loudmouths.
    I thought how nice it must be to be able to spend the afternoon chanting meaningless BS to people who drive past. I mean, instead of working on a job.
    And, SOMEONE, please tell the black people that black lives matter....I don't think they got the message yet......THEY are killing each other faster than we can count the dead black people....

  5. Twitter has blocked the video!

    "Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension."

  6. I’m to the boiling point and ready to go postal

  7. Northwest Woodsman: This is really reaching the point of no return. We must defend ourselves as government does not have the will and probably not the intent to stop it. Warned you many times that this would be the result.

    1. I'm looking forward to the thinning of the Herd ๐Ÿ’ช

    2. Northwest,
      The government is doing it through the intelligence agencies. ANTIFA works for CIA. It is a Psyop on the public

  8. Um, I think this was staged - if it wasn’t, well, growing a backbone and simply saying no and walking away would suffice.

  9. I WILL Never take a knee to these scumbags I WILL put them down.

  10. Hey BLM N ANTIFA ๐Ÿ–•

  11. I would bend them down on their knees with my registered hands

    1. 4:10 - a mob of riot people will negate your registered, lethal handS. However, if you would like to travel to one of the cities overcome by violence, please take someone to record your last moments of life. Still, it’s fun reading about your delusions of grandeur. I would pay to watch that happen. In the meantime, please keep hiding and commenting from the safety of your basement.

  12. Ya and radical Islamist will force (at gunpoint) for their captive to covert to Islam or die.

    Same thing!

  13. So stupid. The ONLY privilege anyone has in this country are black thugs who murder other blacks without hardly a word out of other blacks. That is what you call privileged. A black thug can kill a black child in cold blood on the streets of this country's inner cities and black don't utter a word. Black lives do not matter That is just more of that lying the do constantly. What matters is WHO it is taking the black life. And how so many claim to be Christians Another lie Hardly any are real Christians. They talk the talk but not ever walk the walk If they were Christians their heads would be dragging the ground in shame on how low they have sunk. Basing the value of a life on who killed the person Animals are more civilized

  14. Northwest woodsman- please provide any research and evidence that support your claims about black propel. I’m dying for my chance to refute them.

    1. How about this...do us all a favor and just go die...stop prolonging our agony

    2. 10:58 What an intelligent comeback. In case your momma hadn’t told you lately you’re pathetic.

    3. 10:58- all I want is a chance to read this so called evidence he speaks about in all of his comments. I have asked countless times for him to actually provide such evidence. If it exists why does he refuse to provide it to me? It’s a simple request. If you want to persuade others to accept your viewpoint, it is commonplace to provide factual information To support your claims. I’m not going to go away to make you more comfortable. You SHOULD be uncomfortable given the opinions expressed in a lot of these comments.

  15. White women have been doing it for year's. Nothing new the tramp's.

    1. Lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ you get the comment of the year bud๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  16. How about we show show this to all those corporations that lit up facebook with we stand behind you. We feel for you.

  17. Only take a knee to steady your aim.

  18. I can assure you, I WILL NOT be apologize for my race. I am Caucasian and I am NOT ashamed of it. This absurd lie that America is racist and that there is some great systemic problem with police brutality only towards blacks. Please, please, please think you're going to make me bow and apologize and you will find out what lead tastes like.

  19. and stupid white ppl do it gladly, just as they hold blm signs. idiots


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