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Monday, June 01, 2020

Brennan Lashes Out at President Trump, Encourages Rioting and Looting by Left-Wing Terrorists, ‘Necessary For Real Change’

Former CIA Director and Spygate architect John Brennan lashed out at President Trump Sunday morning amid nationwide looting and rioting by far-left radical terrorists.

Brennan also approved of the nationwide looting and rioting by left-wing terrorists such as ANTIFA, asserting that it’s ‘necessary for real change.’

Violent protests have spread across the nation since a Minneapolis police officer killed a black man named George Floyd on Monday.

Black Lives Matter thugs and Antifa terrorists are using the death of George Floyd as an excuse to destroy businesses and raze buildings to the ground.



  1. What do you expect from a Socialist Democrat registered Communist. He was / is a major component / architect along with Hussein Obama of the "shadow government". They need these actions to overthrow US Democracy and install complete socialism.

  2. He is a out to be charged with crimes against President Trump

  3. This TRAITOR knows he's about to get charged.

  4. I hope we see him hang. He is a traitor from the Obama regime.
    Why is this guy still breathing?

  5. Shows Brennan was Not qualified to have his former job !!!


  6. He's obviously hearing footsteps. Good thing!


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