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Monday, June 01, 2020

Black Lives Matter and Violent Leftists Burn Down Confederate Museum, Desecrate Confederate Statues in Richmond, Virginia (VIDEO)

Violent leftists torched a Confederate Museum in Richmond, Virginia on Saturday night.

History will no longer be allowed.

Leftist protesters caused millions of dollars in damage around the country this weekend.
Over 200 businesses in Minneapolis alone were damaged or destroyed by the far left protesters.

The leftist protesters desecrated Confederate statues of Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee.



  1. They have a new motto in Virginia.


  2. The perp should be easy to find. He's the one with his clothes fused to his body. His scars are well deserved, yet we'll be paying for them.

  3. There are only so many adjectives I can drag from my vocabulary to convey how much I utterly detest the black race. If that makes me a racist, I wear it as a badge of honor.

  4. I don’t understand. “You” people want respect and every time your nasty mouth opens its, “disrespecting me” or “dissed me”. Respect is gained and earned. It’s not something given like free stuff you are use to. The destruction going on is awful and uncalled for. But it wasn’t as noticeable as that filthy mouth. There wasn’t a sentence mumbled, just one word or mother added to it. Try pulling up your boots, go to work. You may or may not succeed, but just try. As a person of color, I did just that and am very content. Stop the nonsense and apply yourself. Stop making me and my family look bad. No need to comment and slam me or say I’m not black. I’ve heard it all and don’t like the negativity. Oh, the people I associate with are mostly black and do not talk like you. Think hard about it, carry on differently and it free.

  5. Can you imagine what would happen if OBAMA was in office?? He'd have a looting summit in the rose garden with Antifa.

    1. I can actually, he'd address the nation like he has before. Put out the fires rather than stoke them. He would have drastically slowed the spread of corona virus and not called it a hoax. He wouldn't have tear gassed and flash banged peaceful protesters to take a shockingly cringey picture in front of a church and later be condemned by the churches bishop for doing so.

    2. Man what were you taking when the dude was hold up in our White House. You saw a different performance than the rest of us. That guy was a failure and still is with his smart mouth. Trump/Pence 2020 !

  6. Allow me to play the worlds smallest violin.

  7. White people definition of tough is funny as hell. They keep saying how strong trump is....lmao. He's a punk just like the rest of y'all. Always want a race war until we show up then it's HELP POLICE.

    1. You little RACIST. Talk about needing help. Government assistance from birth to grave. Real tough. That's why you need a crowd to do anything. Mention work you scatter.

  8. >>>I can actually, he'd address the nation like he has before. Put out the fires rather than stoke them. He would have drastically slowed the spread of corona virus and not called it a hoax. He wouldn't have tear gassed and flash banged peaceful protesters to take a shockingly cringey picture in front of a church and later be condemned by the churches bishop for doing so.<<<

    Yes - all this and more when he wasn't busy calming the waters, taming the ozone, and laying hands on the sick.

  9. This is what they are teaching in public schools and if you are silent on this you are part of the problem!


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